Daily Announcements
MARCH 23, 2025
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
This week, Tuesday and Wednesday (March 25, 2025 and March 26, 2025), there will be a delayed start for students in Grades 9, 11, and 12. Students in Grade 10 will arrive at Fitchburg High School at the regular time to take the English Language Arts MCAS.
Below are the bus routes for the delayed start on Tuesday and Wednesday for students in Grades 9, 11, and 12, as well as the schedule for Tuesday and Wednesday.
Delayed Start Bus Routes (Tuesday and Wednesday) Grades 9, 11, and 12:
English Language Arts (ELA) MCAS Schedule: (Tuesday) March 25, 2025 and Wednesday (March 26, 2025):
Haitian Creole:
(Recurring) MCAS: English Language Arts, Grade 10 (March 25, 2025 and March 26, 2025) (Delayed start time for Grades 9, 11, and 12):
At Fitchburg High School, we will have the English Language Arts MCAS on Tuesday March 25, 2025 and Wednesday March 26, 2025. Students in Grade 10 will arrive at the regular start time to take the test. There will be regular morning buses for students taking the English Language Arts MCAS.
Non-test takers (Grades 9, 11, and 12) will have a later start time to allow for MCAS testing to be completed.
Non-test takers should arrive at school by 10:15am. We will send along the schedule for both MCAS testing days, as well as the bus stop schedule in the coming week.
Students in Grade 10 should take the regular morning buses to school to take the English Language Arts MCAS test on March 25, 2025 and March 26, 2025.
Students in the Guided Learning and Pathways programs should report to school at the regular start time during MCAS testing.
Students in the Learning Perspectives program who take specialized transportation should report to school at the regular start time during MCAS testing.
MVP Academy & Early College Academy (For Current Grade 10 Students, Class of 2027):
Below is information for the MVP Academy and the Early College Academy. All applications are due by Friday, April 4th. This past Thursday, students in Grade 10 received a presentation about the programs from Ms. Brassard (College and Career Coordinator). Please reach out to Ms. Brassard by email if you have any questions (brassarde@fitchburg.k12.ma.us).
MVP Application:
ECA Application:
Upcoming Test Dates:
AP Testing: May 2025
MCAS-ELA Grade 10: March 25, 2025 and March 26, 2025
MCAS-Math Grade 10: May 20, 2025 and May 21, 2025
MCAS-Biology Grade 9: June 04, 2025 and June 05, 2025
Expectations and Routines (Reminder):
Parking, Arrival, Dismissal (Reminder):
Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website.
Information about Absence and Tardy Notes (Reminder):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Hector Surillo (Grades 10-11): (surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Omayra Santiago (Grades 9 & 12): (santiagoo@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Information about Dismissals (Reminder):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): (champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Being Tardy to School (Reminder):
It is important for all students to be on time to school. Being on time to school allows students to take full advantage of their education. Additionally, being on time helps students access content and pass their courses. Fitchburg High School sends text messages home for students who are late to school. With your support, we can decrease tardiness and increase time on learning.
Recent School Threats (Reminder):
Due to the recent activity on social media, Fitchburg Police will periodically be outside at the school during arrival and dismissal.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, March 24, Day 4
D Period is the first class of the day
Tuesday, March 25, Day 5
ELA MCAS testing - Delayed start grades 9, 11, 12
FHS School Council Meeting, 2:30pm in Room 102
Wednesday, March 26, Day 6
ELA MCAS testing - Delayed start grades 9, 11, 12
Varsity Girls Softball vs. Gardner @ FHS
Thursday, March 27, Day 1
A Period is the first class of the day
Bus Evacuation Drill
Varsity Girls Softball vs. Conant High @ FHS
Friday, March 28, Day 2
Advisory Day
B Period is the first class of the day
Varsity, JV Boys Volleyball vs. Bay Path @ Bay Path
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
Good Morning:
On 03/20/2025 there was a disturbance on bus 48 (afternoon). The bus returned to Fitchburg High School for support from School Administration. School Administration supported and then the bus departed Fitchburg High School.
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
MARCH 16, 2025
Good Morning Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
This week Fitchburg High School will be celebrating National World Language Week. The celebration will include a World Language Spelling Competition on Monday, morning announcements made in multiple languages, as well as teachers and students visiting elementary schools in Fitchburg to read bilingual books.
This Friday (March 21, 2025) is a Teacher Professional Development Day. There will be no school for students on Friday (March 21, 2025).
MCAS: English Language Arts, Grade 10 (March 25, 2025 and March 26, 2025) (Delayed start time for Grades 9, 11, and 12):
At Fitchburg High School, we will have the English Language Arts MCAS on Tuesday March 25, 2025 and Wednesday March 26, 2025. Students in Grade 10 will arrive at the regular start time to take the test. There will be regular morning buses for students taking the English Language Arts MCAS.
Non-test takers (Grades 9, 11, and 12) will have a later start time to allow for MCAS testing to be completed.
Non-test takers should arrive at school by 10:15am. We will send along the schedule for both MCAS testing days, as well as the bus stop schedule in the coming week.
Students in Grade 10 should take the regular morning buses to school to take the English Language Arts MCAS test on March 25, 2025 and March 26, 2025.
Students in the Guided Learning and Pathways programs should report to school at the regular start time during MCAS testing.
Students in the Learning Perspectives program who take specialized transportation should report to school at the regular start time during MCAS testing.
Upcoming Test Dates:
AP Testing: May 2025
MCAS-ELA Grade 10: March 25, 2025 and March 26, 2025
MCAS-Math Grade 10: May 20, 2025 and May 21, 2025
MCAS-Biology Grade 9: June 04, 2025 and June 05, 2025
Expectations and Routines (Reminder):
Parking, Arrival, Dismissal (Reminder):
Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website.
Information about Absence and Tardy Notes (Reminder):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Hector Surillo (Grades 10-11): (surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Omayra Santiago (Grades 9 & 12): (santiagoo@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Information about Dismissals (Reminder):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): (champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Being Tardy to School (Reminder):
It is important for all students to be on time to school. Being on time to school allows students to take full advantage of their education. Additionally, being on time helps students access content and pass their courses. Fitchburg High School sends text messages home for students who are late to school. With your support, we can decrease tardiness and increase time on learning.
Recent School Threats (Reminder):
Due to the recent activity on social media, Fitchburg Police will periodically be outside at the school during arrival and dismissal.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, March 17, Day 6
F Period is the first class of the day
Spring sports begin
WL Spelling Bee
Grading Subcommittee Meeting of the FHS School Council (2:30pm, FHS Main Office)
School Committee Meeting, streaming on FATV at 6:00pm
Tuesday, March 18, Day 1
A Period is the first class of the day
Wednesday, March 19, Day 2
B Period is the first class of the day
Thursday, March 20, Day 3
C Period is the first class of the day
PTO Subcommittee Meeting of the FHS School Council (2:30pm, FHS Main Office)
Friday, March 21
No School for students, Professional Development for Teachers
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
MARCH 13, 2025
Good Morning,
We would like to notify families that we conducted a fire drill today (March 13, 2025).
Our students and staff did a great job of following our safety protocols.
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
MARCH 9, 2025
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
Students received their progress reports for the third academic quarter on March 07, 2025 during the advisory period. Please email me if you did not receive a copy of your student’s progress report.
As we move toward the second half of the third academic quarter, it is essential that all students maintain consistent daily attendance. We do appreciate and value your partnership in maintaining consistent student daily attendance.
Inclusion Spirit Week (March 10, 2025 to March 14, 2025):
This week the Student Council and Unified Sports will be hosting an Inclusion Week. At the end of the week, there will be a Unified Basketball game (faculty against the students) followed by the National Unified Champion School banner presentation from the Special Olympics of Massachusetts. The rally will be for FHS students and it will take place on March 14, 2025 at 9:30am.
Below is a link to the spirit week flyer and a picture of a banner created by the students.
Throughout the week, during lunches, students will be able to stop by a table and copy their fingerprints on the banner as a sign of unity.
MCAS: English Language Arts, Grade 10 (March 25, 2025 and March 26, 2025):
Grade 10 students will take the English Language Arts MCAS on March 25, 2025 and March 26, 2025. Students in Grades 9, 11, and 12 will have delayed start on March 25, 2025 and March 26, 2025. Students in Grade 10 will arrive at the regular start time. There will be more information to come around the delayed start on March 25, 2024 and March 26, 2025 as we get closer to the testing days.
MCAS Retake-Math (March 11, 2025 and March 12, 2025):
The Math MCAS Retake will take place this week. Students taking the test have been notified.
Upcoming Test Dates:
MCAS-Math Retest: March 11, 2025 and March 12, 2025
AP Testing: May 2025
MCAS-ELA Grade 10: March 25, 2025 and March 26, 2025
MCAS-Math Grade 10: May 20, 2025 and May 21, 2025
MCAS-Biology Grade 9: June 04, 2025 and June 05, 2025
Expectations and Routines (Reminder):
Parking, Arrival, Dismissal (Reminder):
Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website.
Information about Absence and Tardy Notes (Reminder):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Hector Surillo (Grades 10-11): (surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Omayra Santiago (Grades 9 & 12): (santiagoo@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Information about Dismissals (Reminder):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): (champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Being Tardy to School (Reminder):
It is important for all students to be on time to school. Being on time to school allows students to take full advantage of their education. Additionally, being on time helps students access content and pass their courses. Fitchburg High School sends text messages home for students who are late to school. With your support, we can decrease tardiness and increase time on learning.
Recent School Threats (Reminder):
Due to the recent activity on social media, Fitchburg Police will periodically be outside at the school during arrival and dismissal.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, March 10, Day 1
A Period is the first class of the day
Inclusion Week - Mix and Match Monday
NHS Induction
Tuesday, March 11, Day 2
B Period is the first class of the day
Inclusion Week - Superhero Day
Math MCAS Retest
Be PAWSitive: Therapy Pets at lunch during the first two lunches
Wednesday, March 12, Day 3
C Period is the first class of the day
Inclusion Week - Black/White Out
Math MCAS Retest
Thursday, March 13, Day 4
D Period is the first class of the day
Inclusion Week - Camo Day
Class Basketball Games
Friday, March 14, Day 5
E Period is the first class of the day
Inclusion Week - Red Out
Inclusion Week Rally (Gym)
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
MARCH 3, 2025
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
Thank you to everyone who attended, virtually or in-person, the Teacher-Parent/Guardian Conferences this past Thursday.
The third academic quarter progress report grades closed on Friday, February 28, 2025. The progress reports will be provided to students on March 07, 2025 during the advisory period.
Competency Determination and Graduation Requirements Update:
The new Competency Determination and Graduation Requirements were approved by the School Committee this past Monday. The new Competency Determination and Graduation Requirements are based on the changes to the MCAS law. Students are still required to take the MCAS and the results are incorporated into the school’s accountability rating. The new Competency Determination and Graduation Requirements are below.
MCAS Retake-English Language Arts (March 6, 2025 and March 7, 2025):
The English Language Arts MCAS Retake will take place this week. Students taking the test have been notified.
Fitchburg High School Budget (School Year 2025-2026):
The school budget was present to the FHS Instructional Leadership Team and the FHS School Council this past week. Dr. Braga will be presenting the budget to central office administration this week and will follow up with the school community around the approval of the proposed budget.
February 2025, Instructional Coaches Corner:
(Recurring) Student Course Selection:
The student course selection process will be available on ASPEN until March 7, 2025. Below are the documents to support students in selecting courses. Please let me know if your student needs support in completing the course selection process.
Upcoming Test Dates:
MCAS-ELA Retest: March 6, 2025 and March 07, 2025
MCAS-Math Retest: March 11, 2025 and March 12, 2025
AP Testing: May 2025
MCAS-ELA Grade 10: March 25, 2025 and March 26, 2025
MCAS-Math Grade 10: May 20, 2025 and May 21, 2025
MCAS-Biology Grade 9: June 04, 2025 and June 05, 2025
Expectations and Routines (Reminder):
Parking, Arrival, Dismissal (Reminder):
Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website.
Information about Absence and Tardy Notes (Reminder):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Hector Surillo (Grades 10-11): (surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Omayra Santiago (Grades 9 & 12): (santiagoo@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Information about Dismissals (Reminder):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): (champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Being Tardy to School (Reminder):
It is important for all students to be on time to school. Being on time to school allows students to take full advantage of their education. Additionally, being on time helps students access content and pass their courses. Fitchburg High School sends text messages home for students who are late to school. With your support, we can decrease tardiness and increase time on learning.
Recent School Threats (Reminder):
Due to the recent activity on social media, Fitchburg Police will periodically be outside at the school during arrival and dismissal.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, March 3, Day 2
B Period is the first period of the day
Caring for Kids Dental - Lobby
School Committee Meeting, Streaming on FATV at 6:00pm
Tuesday, March 4, Day 3
C Period is the first period of the day
Caring for Kids Dental - Lobby
Wednesday, March 5, Day 4
D Period is the first period of the day
Caring for Kids Dental - Lobby
Thursday, March 6, Day 5
E Period is the first period of the day
Caring for Kids Dental - Lobby
ELA MCAS Retest (Day 1)
Friday, March 7, Day 6
F Period is the first period of the day
Advisory Day - Progress Reports
Spring Play
ELA MCAS Retest (Day 2)
Saturday, March 8
Spring Play
SAT Testing
FEBRUARY 27, 2025
Good Morning:
Yesterday, there was an incident in a stairwell.
Administration was informed and quickly investigated the incident.
Normal operations continued throughout the school day.
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
FEBRUARY 23, 2025
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
We are looking forward to welcoming students back tomorrow, Monday February 24, 2025.
During the first period tomorrow, we will do a review of school rules, policies, and procedures. This is a typical practice coming back from a school vacation. All school rules, policies, and procedures are available in the Expectations and Routines section of this message, as well as our Student Handbook on the Fitchburg High School website.
Thursday, February 27, 2025 is a half-day of school for Teacher-Parent/Guardian conferences. Students will be dismissed at 11:30am on February 27, 2025.
The third academic quarter progress report grades close on Friday, February 28, 2025. The progress reports will be provided to students on March 07, 2025 during the advisory period.
Student Course Selection, (Monday, February 24, 2025):
Students in Grades 9-11 will choose their courses for next school year tomorrow, Monday February 24, 2025 during their Social Studies classes. Students who are absent tomorrow will receive support with choosing classes. The student course selection process will open on ASPEN tomorrow and will be available for two weeks (February 24, 2025 to March 7, 2025). Below are the documents to support students in selecting courses.
Teacher-Parent/Guardian Conferences (Thursday, February 27, 2025):
Afternoon Session:
12:00pm to 1:00pm: Online/Virtual
1:00pm to 2:00pm: In-Person at Fitchburg High School
Evening Session:
4:00pm to 5:00pm: Online/Virtual
5:00pm to 6:00pm: In-Person at Fitchburg High School
Instructions using the Pick-A-Time scheduling system:
Upcoming Test Dates:
MCAS-ELA Retest: March 6, 2025 and March 07, 2025
MCAS-Math Retest: March 11, 2025 and March 12, 2025
AP Testing: May 2025
MCAS-ELA Grade 10: March 25, 2025 and March 26, 2025
MCAS-Math Grade 10: May 20, 2025 and May 21, 2025
MCAS-Biology Grade 9: June 04, 2025 and June 05, 2025
Expectations and Routines (Reminder):
Parking, Arrival, Dismissal (Reminder):
Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website.
Information about Absence and Tardy Notes (Reminder):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Hector Surillo (Grades 9-12): (surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Information about Dismissals (Reminder):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): (champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Being Tardy to School (Reminder):
It is important for all students to be on time to school. Being on time to school allows students to take full advantage of their education. Additionally, being on time helps students access content and pass their courses. Fitchburg High School sends text messages home for students who are late to school. With your support, we can decrease tardiness and increase time on learning.
Recent School Threats (Reminder):
Due to the recent activity on social media, Fitchburg Police will periodically be outside at the school during arrival and dismissal.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, February 24 - Day 3
C Period is the first class of the day
School Committee Meeting, streaming on FATV starting at 6:00pm
Tuesday, February 25 - Day 4
D Period is the first class of the day
FHS School Council Meeting, 2:30pm in Room 102
Wednesday, February 26 - Day 5
E Period is the first class of the day
Thursday, February 27 - Day 6
F Period is the first class of the day
Half-day: Teacher-Parent/Guardian Conferences
Friday, February 28 - Day 1
A Period is the first class of the day
Quarter three Progress Report Grades Close
AP African American Studies Expo
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
FEBRUARY 16, 2025
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a nice start to February Vacation.
Students in Grades 9-11 will choose their courses for next school year on Monday February 24, 2025 during their Social Studies classes. Students who are absent on Monday February 24, 2025 will receive support with choosing classes. I will send out more information about this process in the next weekly email.
Upcoming Test Dates:
MCAS-ELA Retest: March 6, 2025 and March 07, 2025
MCAS-Math Retest: March 11, 2025 and March 12, 2025
AP Testing: May 2025
MCAS-ELA Grade 10: March 25, 2025 and March 26, 2025
MCAS-Math Grade 10: May 20, 2025 and May 21, 2025
MCAS-Biology Grade 9: June 04, 2025 and June 05, 2025
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
Important Dates for the Week:
Tuesday, February 18
Varsity Hockey vs. Dracut @ Wallace
Thursday, February 20
Varsity Hockey vs. Gardner @ Wallace
FEBRUARY 9, 2025
Good Morning Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
We have one more full week before February Vacation. February Vacation is from 02/17/2025 to 02/21/2025. Students return from February Vacation on Monday, 02/24/2025. We hope everyone has a restful and enjoyable February Vacation break.
Teacher-Parent/Guardian meetings will be rescheduled. Once a date is determined, I will send along the information.
Students received their report cards on Friday February 7, 2025 during the advisory period. Please send me an email if you did not receive your student’s report card (bragaj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us).
This Friday, during the last period, students will attend the Black History Month Showcase. The showcase is organized by Fitchburg High School’s Black Student Union. Please see the details of the Black Student Union Spirit week in the important dates for the week.
Competency Determination and Graduation Requirements Update:
The new Competency Determination and Graduation Requirements were presented to the School Committee this past Monday. The requirements passed the first reading and they will be presented again to the School Committee for a second reading during the next School Committee meeting. I will follow up with the outcome after the next School Committee meeting. The new Competency Determination and Graduation Requirements are based on the changes to the MCAS law. Students are still required to take the MCAS and the results are incorporated into the school’s accountability rating.
Auditions for this year's musical Young Frankenstein are here! Audition times are available after school Monday February 10th through Thursday February 13th. Everyone who auditions will be cast! Sign up for auditions at lunches, see Ms. Greenlees in room 192, or email greenleest@fitchburg.k12.ma.us.
Upcoming Test Dates:
MCAS-ELA Retest: March 6, 2025 and March 07, 2025
MCAS-Math Retest: March 11, 2025 and March 12, 2025
AP Testing: May 2025
MCAS-ELA Grade 10: March 25, 2025 and March 26, 2025
MCAS-Math Grade 10: May 20, 2025 and May 21, 2025
MCAS-Biology Grade 9: June 04, 2025 and June 05, 2025
Expectations and Routines (Reminder):
Parking, Arrival, Dismissal (Reminder):
Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website.
Information about Absence and Tardy Notes (Reminder):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Hector Surillo (Grades 9-12): (surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Information about Dismissals (Reminder):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): (champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Being Tardy to School (Reminder):
It is important for all students to be on time to school. Being on time to school allows students to take full advantage of their education. Additionally, being on time helps students access content and pass their courses. Fitchburg High School sends text messages home for students who are late to school. With your support, we can decrease tardiness and increase time on learning.
Recent School Threats (Reminder):
Due to the recent activity on social media, Fitchburg Police will periodically be outside at the school during arrival and dismissal.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, February 10, Day 4
D Period is first
Black Student Union Spirit Week - Sunday Best
Varsity Hockey vs Lunenburg @ Wallace
Tuesday, February 11, Day 5
E Period is first
Black Student Union Spirit Week - Family Reunion rich aunt vs. bbq dads
TheraPAWS in cafeteria during lunch
Varsity, JV Girls Basketball vs. Marlborough @ FHS
Varsity Wrestling vs. North Middlesex, Leominster @ Monty Tech
Wednesday, February 12, Day 6
F Period is the first period of the day
Black Student Union Spirit Week - Y2K
Recommendation Window closes
Varsity, JV Girls Basketball vs. Worcester Tech @ Worcester Tech
Thursday, February 13, Day 1
A Period is the first period of the day
Black Student Union Spirit Week - Represent Your Country
Playbook Initiative (Middle School Students) (Auditorium)
Varsity, JV Boys Basketball vs. Wellesley @ Wellesley
Friday, February 14, Day 2
B Period is the first period of the day
Black Student Union Spirit Week - Wear Pink
Varsity, JV Girls Basketball vs. Gardner
Saturday, February 15
Varsity Hockey vs. Easthampton @ Lossone Rink
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
FEBRUARY 2, 2025
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
At Fitchburg High School we celebrate Black History Month (02/01/2025 to 02/28/2025). Black History Month honors the contributions and achievements that Black people have made throughout the history of the United States. Please join FHS in honoring the past and present brilliance and innovation of the Black community.
We have two more full weeks before February Vacation. February Vacation is from 02/17/2025 to 02/21/2025. Students return from February Vacation on Monday, 02/24/2025.
Thursday, February 6, 2025 is a half-day of school for Teacher-Parent/Guardian conferences. Students will be dismissed at 11:30am on February 6, 2025.
Students will receive their report cards on Friday February 7, 2025 during the advisory period.
Teacher-Parent/Guardian Conferences (Thursday, February 6, 2025):
Afternoon Session:
12:00pm to 1:00pm: Online/Virtual
1:00pm to 2:00pm: In-Person at Fitchburg High School
Evening Session:
4:00pm to 5:00pm: Online/Virtual
5:00pm to 6:00pm: In-Person at Fitchburg High School
Instructions using the Pick-A-Time scheduling system:
Grade Point Average System Changes:
The Fitchburg High School School Council approved the changes to the Grade Point Average System this past week. This will be a change in our handbook starting with the Class of 2028 (current grade nine students). The change will go into effect right away beginning with the Class of 2028 and will continue with the incoming classes at Fitchburg High School.
Expectations and Routines (Reminder):
Parking, Arrival, Dismissal (Reminder):
Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website.
Information about Absence and Tardy Notes (Reminder):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Hector Surillo (Grades 9-12): (surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Information about Dismissals (Reminder):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): (champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Being Tardy to School (Reminder):
It is important for all students to be on time to school. Being on time to school allows students to take full advantage of their education. Additionally, being on time helps students access content and pass their courses. Fitchburg High School sends text messages home for students who are late to school. With your support, we can decrease tardiness and increase time on learning.
Recent School Threats (Reminder):
Due to the recent activity on social media, Fitchburg Police will periodically be outside at the school during arrival and dismissal.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, February 3, Day 5
E Period is the first class of the day
Varsity, JV Girls Basketball vs. Westborough @ FHS
Varsity Hockey vs. St. Bernard's @ Wallace Civic Center
School Committee, streamed through FATV starting at 6:00pm
Tuesday, February 4, Day 6
F Period is the first period of the day
Varsity, JV Boys Basketball vs. Burncoat @ FHS
Varsity, JV Girls Basketball vs. North Middlesex @ North Middlesex
Wednesday, February 5, Day 1
A Period is the first period of the day
Thursday, February 6, Day 2
Half Day, Teacher-Parent/Guardian Conferences
B Period is the first period of the day
Friday, February 7, Day 3
C Period is the first period of the day
Advisory Day, Students will receive their report cards
Varsity, JV Boys Basketball vs. Algonquin @ FHS
Saturday, February 8
ACT Testing
Robotics Competition
Varsity Hockey vs. Leominster @ Wallace Civic Center
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
JANUARY 27, 2025
Good Afternoon:
There was a brief disturbance on the second floor this morning. Administration quickly responded to support. Normal operations continued throughout the school day.
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
JANUARY 26, 2025
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
Tomorrow is the start of the third academic quarter and the second semester. Students should review their schedule on ASPEN to identify any changes in their schedule for half-year (semester) courses.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025 is a half-day of school for teacher professional development. Students will be dismissed at 11:30am on January 29, 2025.
Grades closed for the second academic quarter on January 24, 2025. Students will be provided with their report card for the second academic quarter on February 07, 2025.
Instructional Updates (January 2025):
If you have not had a chance to review our proposal for the adjustment of the Grade Point Average System at Fitchburg High School, please take a moment to review the slides below and complete the survey. We truly appreciate your support!
(Recurring) Potential Grade Point Average System Changes:
At Fitchburg High School, we are considering adjustments to our Grade Point Average system (GPA) starting with the Class of 2028 (Grade 9). The potential adjustments are intended to create a Grade Point Average system that is more equitable for students. Staff at Fitchburg High School have reviewed the potential changes. The School Council has also reviewed the potential changes. We would like to gain your feedback around the potential changes before they are presented to the School Committee. Below is the presentation of the potential GPA changes. No changes have taken place at this time. This communication is solely to share the work around grading and to gather your feedback. There is a link to a survey to complete on the last slide.
Expectations and Routines (Reminder):
Parking, Arrival, Dismissal (Reminder):
Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website.
Information about Absence and Tardy Notes (Reminder):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Hector Surillo (Grades 9-12): (surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Information about Dismissals (Reminder):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): (champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Being Tardy to School (Reminder):
It is important for all students to be on time to school. Being on time to school allows students to take full advantage of their education. Additionally, being on time helps students access content and pass their courses. Fitchburg High School sends text messages home for students who are late to school. With your support, we can decrease tardiness and increase time on learning.
Recent School Threats (Reminder):
Due to the recent activity on social media, Fitchburg Police will periodically be outside at the school during arrival and dismissal.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, January 27, Day 6
F Period is the first class of the day
Term 3 begins (second semester)
Tuesday, January 28, Day 1
A Period is the first class of the day
Varsity, JV Boys Basketball vs. Wachusett @ Wachusett
Varsity, JV Girls Basketball vs. Groton-Dunstable @ FHS
FHS School Council (2:30pm at FHS)
Wednesday, January 29, Day 2
B Period is the first class of the day
Half Day - students leave at 11:30, teacher PD in the afternoon
Varsity Indoor Track vs. Ayer Shirley @ FHS
Varsity Hockey vs. Littleton @ Wallace Civic Center
Thursday, January 30, Day 3
C Period is the first class of the day
Friday, January 31, Day 4
D Period is the first class of the day
Varsity, JV Boys Basketball vs. Shrewsbury @ FHS
Varsity, JV Girls Basketball vs. Oakmont @ Oakmont
Saturday, February 1
Freshman/Sophomore Dance
Varsity Hockey vs. Oakmont @ Wallace Civic Center
Have a great week and thank you,
Dr. Braga
JANUARY 24, 2025
Good Afternoon,
There was an incident this morning on the third floor during transition time.
School staff and administration were able to intervene to deescalate the situation.
Normal operations continued throughout the school day.
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
JANUARY 21, 2025
Good Afternoon:
We hope everyone had a nice day.
Please see the updated Bus Routes for Fitchburg High School.
Additionally, please have students continue to dress warm tomorrow. Similar to today, the temperatures will be cold this week.
Have a great afternoon and thank you,
Dr. Braga

JANUARY 20, 2025
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
As a reminder, there is no school tomorrow January 20, 2025 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Tomorrow, we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a leader in activism who helped to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Dr. King wanted everyone to do things in a righteous and peaceful manner. Please take a moment tomorrow to reflect on the importance of Dr. King in American history.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025 is a half-day of school for teacher professional development. Students will be dismissed at 11:30am on January 29, 2025.
Grades close for the second academic quarter on January 24, 2025. Students will be provided with their report card for the second academic quarter on February 07, 2025.
If you have not had a chance to review our proposal for the adjustment of the Grade Point Average System at Fitchburg High School, please take a moment to review the slides below and complete the survey. We truly appreciate your support!
(Recurring) Potential Grade Point Average System Changes:
At Fitchburg High School, we are considering adjustments to our Grade Point Average system (GPA) starting with the Class of 2028 (Grade 9). The potential adjustments are intended to create a Grade Point Average system that is more equitable for students. Staff at Fitchburg High School have reviewed the potential changes. The School Council has also reviewed the potential changes. We would like to gain your feedback around the potential changes before they are presented to the School Committee. Below is the presentation of the potential GPA changes. No changes have taken place at this time. This communication is solely to share the work around grading and to gather your feedback. There is a link to a survey to complete on the last slide.
Expectations and Routines (Reminder):
Parking, Arrival, Dismissal (Reminder):
Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website.
Information about Absence and Tardy Notes (Reminder):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Hector Surillo (Grades 9-12): (surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Information about Dismissals (Reminder):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): (champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Being Tardy to School (Reminder):
It is important for all students to be on time to school. Being on time to school allows students to take full advantage of their education. Additionally, being on time helps students access content and pass their courses. Fitchburg High School sends text messages home for students who are late to school. With your support, we can decrease tardiness and increase time on learning.
Recent School Threats (Reminder):
Due to the recent activity on social media, Fitchburg Police will periodically be outside at the school during arrival and dismissal.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, January 20
No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Varsity, JV Girls Basketball vs. Bay Path @ FHS
Varsity Hockey vs. Northbridge @ New England Sports Center Marlboro
Tuesday, January 21 - Day 2
B Period is the first class of the day
Early College Speaker - G Period
Varsity, JV, Freshman Boys Basketball vs. Westford Academy @ Westford Academy
Varsity, JV Girls Basketball vs. Shepherd Hill @ FHS
Wednesday, January 22 - Day 3
C Period is the first class of the day
Varsity Indoor Track vs. Algonquin @ FHS
Varsity Wrestling vs. Keefe Tech @ Monty Tech
Thursday, January 23 - Day 4
D Period is the first class of the day
Varsity, JV, Freshman Boys Basketball vs. Leominster @ Leominster
Friday, January 24 - Day 5
E Period is the first class of the day
Advisory Day
The second academic quarter closes
JANUARY 13, 2025
Good Afternoon,
There was an incident this morning on the second floor in the hallway during class time.
School support staff and administration were able to intervene to deescalate the situation.
Normal operations continued throughout the school day.
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
JANUARY 12, 2025
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
Grades close for the second academic quarter on January 24, 2025. Students will be provided with their report card for the second academic quarter on February 07, 2025.
Potential Grade Point Average System Changes:
At Fitchburg High School, we are considering adjustments to our Grade Point Average system (GPA) starting with the Class of 2028 (Grade 9). The potential adjustments are intended to create a Grade Point Average system that is more equitable for students. Staff at Fitchburg High School have reviewed the potential changes. The School Council has also reviewed the potential changes. We would like to gain your feedback around the potential changes before they are presented to the School Committee. Below is the presentation of the potential GPA changes. No changes have taken place at this time. This communication is solely to share the work around grading and to gather your feedback. There is a link to a survey to complete on the last slide.
Expectations and Routines (Reminder):
Parking, Arrival, Dismissal (Reminder):
Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website.
Information about Absence and Tardy Notes (Reminder):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Hector Surillo (Grades 9-12): (surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Information about Dismissals (Reminder):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): (champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Being Tardy to School (Reminder):
It is important for all students to be on time to school. Being on time to school allows students to take full advantage of their education. Additionally, being on time helps students access content and pass their courses. Fitchburg High School sends text messages home for students who are late to school. With your support, we can decrease tardiness and increase time on learning.
Recent School Threats (Reminder):
Due to the recent activity on social media, Fitchburg Police will periodically be outside at the school during arrival and dismissal.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, January 13, Day 3
C Period is the first class of the day
Early College Speaker
Senior Pictures - Lobby
Nursing Home Field Trip
Varsity, JV Boys Basketball vs. St Paul @ St. Paul's
Varsity, JV Girls Basketball vs. St Paul @ FHS
Tuesday, January 14, Day 4
D Period is the first class of the day
Senior Pictures - Lobby
Varsity, JV Boys Basketball vs. St Bernard's @ FHS
Varsity, JV Girls Basketball vs. Westborough @ Westborough
Wednesday, January 15, Day 5
E Period is the first class of the day
Early College Speaker
Senior Pictures - Lobby
Varsity Indoor Track vs. Maynard @ FHS
Varsity Wrestling vs. Waltham @ Waltham
Thursday, January 16, Day 6
F Period is the first class of the day
Worcester State Field Trip
Senior Pictures - Lobby
Friday, January 17, Day 1
A Period is the first class of the day
Senior Pictures - Lobby
Varsity, JV Boys Basketball vs. Algonquin @ Algonquin
Varsity, JV Girls Basketball vs. Marlborough @ Marlborough
Band hosts Spartan DBC for Winter Camp
Saturday, January 18
Varsity Hockey vs. Chicopee @ Fitzpatrick Rink
Band hosts Spartan DBC for Winter Camp
Sunday, January 19
Band hosts Spartan DBC for Winter Camp
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
JANUARY 5, 2025
Good Morning Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
This is the first full week of school for the new year. We value your partnership in maintaining strong student daily attendance. Grades close for the second academic quarter on January 24, 2025. Students will be provided with their report card for the second academic quarter on February 07, 2025.
Tomorrow, we will begin ACCESS testing. ACCESS testing is an assessment for English language learners. The ACCESS assesses a student’s English language development from year-to-year. The ACCESS will primarily take place in a student’s English as a second language class.
Also, tomorrow is the home game for Boys Basketball (all levels) against Leominster. The Athletic Director, Mr. Robbins, will be sending out further information around the logistics of the game tomorrow.
Expectations and Routines (Reminder):
Parking, Arrival, Dismissal (Reminder):
Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website.
Information about Absence and Tardy Notes (Reminder):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Hector Surillo (Grades 9-12): (surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Information about Dismissals (Reminder):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): (champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Being Tardy to School (Reminder):
It is important for all students to be on time to school. Being on time to school allows students to take full advantage of their education. Additionally, being on time helps students access content and pass their courses. Fitchburg High School sends text messages home for students who are late to school. With your support, we can decrease tardiness and increase time on learning.
Recent School Threats (Reminder):
Due to the recent activity on social media, Fitchburg Police will periodically be outside at the school during arrival and dismissal.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, January 6, Day 4
D Period is the first class of the day
Early College Speaker
Varsity, JV Boys Basketball vs. Leominster @ FHS
School Committee Meeting streamed through FATV @ 6:00pm
Tuesday, January 7, Day 5
E Period is the first class of the day
Varsity, JV Girls Basketball vs Oakmont @ FHS
Wednesday, January 8, Day 6
F Period is the first class of the day
Early College Speaker
Varsity Indoor Track vs. Nashoba @ FHS
Varsity Hockey vs. Oakmont @ Cushing Academy
Varsity Wrestling vs. Central Catholic @ Central Catholic
Thursday, January 9, Day 1
A Period is the first class of the day
Early College Speaker
Friday, January 10, Day 2
B Period is the first class of the day
Advisory Day
Varsity, JV Boys Basketball vs. Shrewsbury @ Shrewsbury
Varsity, JV Girls Basketball vs. North Middlesex @ FHS
FHS 175th Anniversary Performing Arts Night
Saturday, January 11
Varsity Hockey vs. Greenfield @ Wallace
Varsity Wrestling vs. St. John's @ Monty Tech
Drama High School Festival Kickoff Meeting
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
DECEMBER 29, 2024
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope that everyone is having a great Holiday break.
We wish everyone a Happy New Year! We would also like to thank students, families, and staff for a great 2024. We are looking forward to an exciting 2025.
As a reminder, students return to school on Thursday January 2, 2025. Thursday and Friday are full days of school.
Important Dates for the Week:
December 27 - Jan 2
New England Honor Band to Tournament of Roses Parade in CA
Monday, December 30
Boys Varsity, JV Basketball vs. Oakmont @ FHS
Tuesday, December 31
Varsity Wrestling vs Winchester High School @ Winchester High School
Thursday, January 2, 2025 - Day 2
B Period is the first period of the day.
Friday, January 3, 2025 - Day 3
C Period is the first period of the day.
Boys Varsity, JV Basketball vs. Wachusett @ FHS
Girls Varsity, JV Basketball vs. Groton - Dunstable @ Groton Dunstable
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Boys Varsity Ice Hockey vs. Boston Latin Academy @ BLA (Dorchester)
Varsity Wrestling vs North High School @ Norton High School
Have a Happy New Year!
Dr. Braga
DECEMBER 22, 2024
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope that everyone is having a great start to the Holiday break.
Congratulations to the Fitchburg High School Band! During this holiday break, eleven members of the Fitchburg High School Band will be traveling to California. The students were accepted into the first-ever New England Honor Band. The students will march down Main Street U.S.A. at Disneyland and perform at BandFest at the Rose Bowl. Students will also march in the iconic Tournament of Roses Parade on New Year's Day.
December Curriculum Updates from the FHS Instructional Coaches:
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, December 23
Boys Varsity, JV Basketball vs. Littleton @ FHS
Friday, December 27
Boys Varsity, JV Basketball vs. Hudson @ Hudson
December 27 - January 2
New England Honor Band to Tournament of Roses Parade in California
Have a great holiday week and thank you,
Dr. Braga
DECEMBER 19, 2024
Good Afternoon:
We hope everyone is having a nice day.
Tomorrow is the Holiday Fair for students at Fitchburg High School.
Below is the schedule for the Holiday Fair.
December Break is from December 23, 2024 to January 1, 2025. Students return to school on January 2, 2025.
Lastly, attached are the Ice Hockey and Wrestling team schedules. Both sports are cooperative programs with Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical High School.
Have a great December Break and thank you,
Dr. Braga

DECEMBER 18, 2024
DECEMBER 16, 2024
Good Afternoon:
On Thursday, December 12, 2024, there was an incident on Bus 38 in the afternoon. School administration was able to investigate and conclude the incident.
Please feel free to send me an email if you have any questions (bragaj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us).
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
DECEMBER 15, 2024
Good Morning Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
This is a full week of school and the last week before December break. December break is from December 23, 2024 to January 1, 2025. Students return to school on January 2, 2025. We wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday season!
Students received their progress reports this past Friday. If you did not receive your student’s progress report, please send me an email (bragaj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us).
Expectations and Routines (Reminder):
Parking, Arrival, Dismissal (Reminder):
Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website.
Information about Absence and Tardy Notes (Reminder):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Hector Surillo (Grades 9-12): (surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Information about Dismissals (Reminder):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): (champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Being Tardy to School (Reminder):
It is important for all students to be on time to school. Being on time to school allows students to take full advantage of their education. Additionally, being on time helps students access content and pass their courses. Fitchburg High School sends text messages home for students who are late to school. With your support, we can decrease tardiness and increase time on learning.
Recent School Threats (Reminder):
Due to the recent activity on social media, Fitchburg Police will periodically be outside at the school during arrival and dismissal.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, December 16th - Day 3
C Period is the first class of the day
Spirit Week - Holiday Hats, Headbands, Socks
Boys Varsity, JV Basketball vs. South High @ FHS
Tuesday, December 17th - Day 4
D Period is the first period of the day
Spirit Week - Ugly Sweater Day
Girls Varsity, JV Basketball vs. Shepherd Hill @ Shepherd Hill
FHS School Council meeting, 2:30pm (Room 102)
Wednesday, December 18th - Day 5
E Period is the first period of the day
Spirit Week - Feeling Frosty (White-Out)
Band Rotary Event
Varsity Track vs. Ayer Shirley @ FHS
Thursday, December 19th - Day 6
F Period is the first period of the day
Spirit Week - Holiday Movie Character
Quinsigamond Community College Radiology Field Trip
Friday, December 20th - Day 1
A Period is the first class of the day
Spirit Week - Holiday Pajamas Day
Holiday Fair (8:00am to 11:00am)
Cosmetology Field Trip
Girls Varsity, JV Basketball vs. Doherty @ FHS
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
DECEMBER 13, 2024
Good Morning FHS Families:
The Fall Play LOST (AND FOUND) IN IKEA will be postponed due to unforeseen circumstances.
While there is not a date set yet due to a facilities repair we are awaiting, we will be sharing the rescheduled dates as soon as we have the information available.
DECEMBER 9, 2024
Good Afternoon:
We hope everyone had a great day.
As a reminder, all after school activities are canceled for today (December 9, 2024) due to incoming inclement weather. This includes sports, after school clubs, and the National Honor Society Induction Ceremony originally scheduled for this evening.
The National Honor Society Induction Ceremony will be rescheduled, and the new date will be communicated to the Fitchburg High School community.
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
DECEMBER 8, 2024
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
As we move into the month of December, it is important to maintain consistent daily attendance.
For families who do not have access to ASPEN, please email Ms. Loepere-Smith (loepereg@fitchburg.k12.ma.us). ASPEN provides attendance and academic records for students.
The grades for the second quarter progress reports closed on December 6, 2024. Students will be provided with their progress reports on Friday, December 13, 2024 during the advisory period.
Seal of Biliteracy Assessment:
The Seal of Biliteracy Assessment will take place on Thursday in the library. If you have any questions around the Seal of Biliteracy, please email Guidance Counselor, Ms. Robison (robisonc@fitchburg.k12.ma.us).
Grade 12 Pictures:
Grade 12 Pictures will take place on Tuesday in the main lobby.
Expectations and Routines (Reminder):
Parking, Arrival, Dismissal (Reminder):
Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website.
Information about Absence and Tardy Notes (Reminder):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Hector Surillo (Grades 9-12): (surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Information about Dismissals (Reminder):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): (champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Being Tardy to School (Reminder):
It is important for all students to be on time to school. Being on time to school allows students to take full advantage of their education. Additionally, being on time helps students access content and pass their courses. Fitchburg High School sends text messages home for students who are late to school. With your support, we can decrease tardiness and increase time on learning.
Recent School Threats (Reminder):
Due to the recent activity on social media, Fitchburg Police will periodically be outside at the school during arrival and dismissal.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, December 9 - Day 4
D is the first period of the day
NHS Induction Ceremony
HA Field Trip to FSU (9th and 10th grade)
Varsity Girls Basketball @ Monty Tech
Tuesday, December 10 - Day 5
E is the first period of the day
Grade 12 Pictures (Lobby)
Choral Kaleidoscope - FSU
Wednesday, December 11 - Day 6
F is the first period of the day
Sophomore Welcome Dinner (Step Up)
Thursday, December 12 - Day 1
A is the first period of the day
Seal of Biliteracy (Library)
Varsity, JV Girls Basketball @ North
Friday, December 13 - Day 2
B is the first period of the day
Advisory Day
Wreaths Across America (Step Up)
Fall All School Play "Lost and Found in IKEA"
Varsity, JV Boys Basketball vs. Dracut @ FHS
Saturday, December 14
Fall All School Play "Lost and Found in IKEA"
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
DECEMBER 6, 2024
Good Afternoon FHS Families:
We want to thank everyone who attended the Parent/Guardian-Teacher Conferences yesterday, virtual or in-person. Family support is essential and valued by Fitchburg High School.
As we continue to move into the month of December, it is important to maintain consistent daily attendance. Attendance is an important element of student learning.
Unfortunately, there was an altercation at the school today. School administration and school staff intervened to quickly deescalate the situation. The altercation is under investigation with the school administration and the school resource officer. Normal operations continued at the school.
Have a great weekend and thank you,
Dr. Braga
DECEMBER 5, 2024
This Thursday, December 5, 2024, Parent/Guardian-Teacher Conferences will be held at Fitchburg High School. Thursday is also a half-day and students will be dismissed at 11:30am. The schedule for the conferences is below (meetings are scheduled in 10 minute increments):
Afternoon: 12:00pm to 2:00pm
Virtual: 12:00pm to 1:00pm
In-Person (at the school): 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Evening: 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Virtual: 4:00pm to 5:00pm
In-Person (at the school): 5:00pm to 6:00pm
We will be using the Pick-a-Time application to schedule meetings for Parent Teacher Conferences. Please use the instruction links below to schedule a meeting with your student’s teachers.
English | Spanish | Portuguese | Haitian Creole | Hmong
DECEMBER 4, 2024
Good morning,
Fitchburg High School conducted a fire drill at 10:30 this morning with the Fitchburg Fire Department. Students and staff did a great job exiting the building. Thank you.
FHS Administration
DECEMBER 1, 2024
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a nice holiday weekend.
We look forward to welcoming students back tomorrow at the regular start time.
The grades for the second quarter progress reports close on December 6, 2024. Students will be provided with their progress reports on December 13, 2024.
As we move into the midway point of the second quarter, it is important to maintain consistent daily attendance, as well as maintain consistent academic progress. For families who do not have access to ASPEN, please email Ms. Loepere-Smith (loepereg@fitchburg.k12.ma.us). ASPEN provides attendance and academic records for students.
Parent/Guardian-Teacher Conferences (Thursday, December 5, 2024):
This Thursday, December 5, 2024, are the Parent/Guardian-Teacher Conferences at Fitchburg High School. Thursday is also a half-day and students will be dismissed at 11:30am.
The schedule for the conferences is below (meetings are scheduled in 10 minute increments):
Afternoon: 12:00pm to 2:00pm
Virtual: 12:00pm to 1:00pm
In-Person (at the school): 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Evening: 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Virtual: 4:00pm to 5:00pm
In-Person (at the school): 5:00pm to 6:00pm
We will be using the Pick-a-Time application to schedule meetings for Parent Teacher Conferences. Please use the instructions below to schedule a meeting with your student’s teachers.
Pick-a-Time Directions:
Haitian Creole
Expectations and Routines (Reminder):
Parking, Arrival, Dismissal (Reminder):
Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website.
Information about Absence and Tardy Notes (Reminder):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Hector Surillo (Grades 9-12): (surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Information about Dismissals (Reminder):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): (champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Being Tardy to School (Reminder):
It is important for all students to be on time to school. Being on time to school allows students to take full advantage of their education. Additionally, being on time helps students access content and pass their courses. Fitchburg High School sends text messages home for students who are late to school. With your support, we can decrease tardiness and increase time on learning.
Recent School Threats (Reminder):
Due to the recent activity on social media, Fitchburg Police will periodically be outside at the school during arrival and dismissal.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, December 2, Day 5
E Period is the first period of the day
School Committee Meeting streamed through FATV starting at 6:00pm
Tuesday, December 3, Day 6
F Period is the first period of the day
Wednesday, December 4, Day 1
A Period is the first period of the day
Thursday, December 5, Day 2
B Period is the first period of the day
Half Day - Parent-Teacher Conferences
Friday, December 6, Day 3
C Period is the first period of the day
Future Educator's Field Trip to FSU
Fall Play in the Auditorium at 7:00pm: “Lost (And Found) in IKEA” by Gary Ray Stapp
Saturday, December 7
SAT Testing
Varsity Boys Basketball vs. Frontier Regional School @ FHS
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
NOVEMBER 24, 2024
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
This week is a three-day week. Wednesday, November 27, 2024 is an early release day. Students will be dismissed at 11:30am on Wednesday, November 27, 2024. There is no school on November 28, 2024 and November 29, 2024 for the Thanksgiving recess.
We will have our Thanksgiving Game Pep Rally on Wednesday November 27, 2024 during the school day.
This year’s Thanksgiving Football Game, Fitchburg High School versus Leominster High School, will be held at Doyle Field in Leominster at 10:00am (November 28, 2024).
Students received their report cards for the first academic quarter on Friday November 22, 2024. If your student did not receive their report card, please email me at bragaj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
We are very proud of our school community! On behalf of Fitchburg High School, we wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving Holiday!
Photo Retakes (Monday, November 25, 2024):
Photo Retakes will take place on Monday, November 25, 2024 from 8:00am to 11:00am in the main lobby of the school.
Instructional Coaches Update, November 2024:
Expectations and Routines (Reminder):
Parking, Arrival, Dismissal (Reminder):
Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website.
Information about Absence and Tardy Notes (Reminder):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Hector Surillo (Grades 9-12): (surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Information about Dismissals (Reminder):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): (champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Being Tardy to School (Reminder):
It is important for all students to be on time to school. Being on time to school allows students to take full advantage of their education. Additionally, being on time helps students access content and pass their courses. Fitchburg High School sends text messages home for students who are late to school. With your support, we can decrease tardiness and increase time on learning.
Recent School Threats (Reminder):
Due to the recent activity on social media, Fitchburg Police will periodically be outside at the school during arrival and dismissal.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, 11/25/2024 - Day 2
B Period is the first period of the day
Last Day of the Food Drive
Spirit Week - Dress Your Grade (Freshman - Babies, Sophomores - Toddlers, Juniors - Adults, Seniors - Senior Citizens)
School Picture Retakes (8-11am)
Tuesday, 11/26/2024 - Day 3
C Period is the first period of the day
Spirit Week - Dynamic Duo Day
School Council at 2:15pm
Wednesday, 11/27/2024 - Day 4
D Period is the first period of the day
Early Release Day, students are dismissed from school at 11:30am
Spirit Week - Color Wars (Grade 12 - Red, Grade 11 - Gray, Grade 10 - Black, Grade 9 - White)
Thanksgiving Game Pep Rally
Thursday, 11/28/2024
Thanksgiving Day - No School
Varsity Football vs. Leominster @ Leominster
Friday, 11/29/2024
No School
Have a great week and thank you,
Dr. Braga
NOVEMBER 22, 2024
Good Afternoon:
As a reminder, November 27, 2024 is an early release day. We will also have our Thanksgiving Game Pep Rally on November 27, 2024 during the school day.
Additionally, there is no school on November 28, 2024 and November 29, 2024 for the Thanksgiving recess.
This weekend we have several events:
Saturday November 23, 2024: Flag Football at Crocker Field (Fitchburg vs Leominster) at Crocker Field.
Saturday November 23, 2024: Junior Varsity Football Game (Fitchburg vs Leominster) at Crocker Field.
Sunday November 24, 2024: Breakfast for the Bands at Leominster High School (Fitchburg and Leominster Bands).
Unfortunately, we had a few altercations in the building today. Administration was able to quickly deescalate the altercations. Normal operations continued throughout the school day.
Have a great weekend,
Dr. Braga
NOVEMBER 20, 2024
NOVEMBER 19, 2024
Good evening, Red Raider Family!
This is the season for thankfulness, gratitude, and giving. When we have more to give, we share—when we are in need, we can receive. We are reaching out for help in our Food Drive. We are gathering as many items as possible, any non-perishable items, by the end of school next Monday 11/25.
We desperately need to restock our Red Raider pantry and we are also pairing with LHS in a friendly competition - which high school can gather the most in 10 days. It's fun for the kids at both high schools but absolutely vital to our school community.
So please help out if you can! Send in non-perishables to FHS this week through early next week. It's for a great cause.
We are Fitchburg, loud and proud!
Good Morning,
Fitchburg High School conducted a lockdown drill today. The school consistantly practices emergency protocols.
The normal operations are continuing at FHS. Our students and staff did a great job with the lockdown drill.
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
NOVEMBER 17, 2024
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
This past week we completed the MCAS Retest exam in Math.
Students will receive their report cards for the first academic quarter on Friday November 22, 2024 during the advisory period.
As a reminder, November 27, 2024 is an early release day. We will also have our Thanksgiving Game Pep Rally on November 27, 2024 during the school day.
Additionally, there is no school on November 28, 2024 and November 29, 2024 for the Thanksgiving recess.
This year’s Thanksgiving Football Game, Fitchburg High School versus Leominster High School, will be held at Doyle Field in Leominster at 10:00am (November 28, 2024).
Breakfast for the Bands:
The Breakfast for the Bands event will take place this upcoming Sunday (November 24, 2024) from 8:00am to 11:00am at Leominster High School. The event supports both the Fitchburg High School and Leominster High School bands.
If you are interested in attending the event, please contact the main office or send Dr. Braga an email (bragaj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us). Additionally, students in the band programs at Fitchburg High School and Leominster High School are selling tickets to the event.
Expectations and Routines (Reminder):
Parking, Arrival, Dismissal (Reminder):
Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website.
Information about Absence and Tardy Notes (Reminder):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Hector Surillo (Grades 9-12): (surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Information about Dismissals (Reminder):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): (champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Being Tardy to School (Reminder):
It is important for all students to be on time to school. Being on time to school allows students to take full advantage of their education. Additionally, being on time helps students access content and pass their courses. Fitchburg High School sends text messages home for students who are late to school. With your support, we can decrease tardiness and increase time on learning.
Recent School Threats (Reminder):
Due to the recent activity on social media, Fitchburg Police will periodically be outside at the school during arrival and dismissal.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, November 18, Day 3
C Period is the first period of the day
School Committee Meeting at 6:00pm, streamed through FATV
Tuesday, November 19, Day 4
D Period is the first period of the day
Unified Basketball Jamboree @ FHS
Wednesday, November 20, Day 5
E Period is the first period of the day
9th Grade TRIO Meeting (C Period - Gear Up)
Thursday, November 21, Day 6
F Period is the first period of the day
Senior Pictures - Lobby
Friday, November 22, Day 1
A Period is the first period of the day
Advisory Day - Report Cards distributed
Senior Pictures - Lobby
Sunday, November 24
Breakfast for the Bands (Leominster High School, 8:00am-11:00am)
NOVEMBER 14, 2024
Good Afternoon:
On Tuesday November 12, 2024, there was an incident in the study hall at the end of the day. School administration was able to investigate the situation.
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
NOVEMBER 12, 2024
Good Afternoon,
There was an incident this morning on the first floor after the transition to first period.
School administration were able to intervene to deescalate the situation.
Normal operations continued throughout the school day.
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
NOVEMBER 10, 2024
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
This past week we completed the MCAS Retest exam in English Language Arts.
As a reminder there is no school tomorrow, Monday November 11, 2024, in observance of Veterans Day. We would like to thank all Veterans and their families for their service.
Grades for the first academic quarter closed on November 08, 2024.
We would like to thank all families for their support in maintaining strong daily attendance during the first academic quarter. Let’s continue to partner to maintain the strong daily student attendance throughout the school year.
Students will receive their report cards for the first academic quarter on November 22, 2024.
MCAS Retest Dates:
Below are the dates for the MCAS Retest exam for Math. Students in grades 11 and 12, who need to retest in Math will be notified of their testing location. Families of students needing to retest will also be notified through email.
Math: Session 1 (November 12, 2024); Session 2 (November 13, 2024)
Expectations and Routines (Reminder):
Parking, Arrival, Dismissal (Reminder):
Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website.
Information about Absence and Tardy Notes (Reminder):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Hector Surillo (Grades 9-12): (surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Information about Dismissals (Reminder):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): (champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Being Tardy to School (Reminder):
It is important for all students to be on time to school. Being on time to school allows students to take full advantage of their education. Additionally, being on time helps students access content and pass their courses. Fitchburg High School sends text messages home for students who are late to school. With your support, we can decrease tardiness and increase time on learning.
Recent School Threats (Reminder):
Due to the recent activity on social media, Fitchburg Police will periodically be outside at the school during arrival and dismissal.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, November 11 - No School, Veteran's Day
Veterans Day Ceremony 11am - Fitchburg Armory, Band and Chorus performing
Tuesday, November 12 - Day 5
E Period is the first period of the day
Term 2 begins
Math MCAS Make ups
Food Drive begins
Wednesday, November 13 - Day 6
F Period is the first period of the day
Math MCAS Make ups
Thursday, November 14 - Day 1
A Period is the first period of the day
Unified Basketball vs. Lunenburg @ Lunenburg
Friday, November 15 - Day 2
B Period is the first period of the day
Sophomore Career Day
MWCC Field Trip
Senior Business Fair
Saturday, November 16
MMEA Central District Auditions (individual band and chorus students)
Fitchburg Art Museum: A Night at the Museum: A G.O.A.T. Gala
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
NOVEMBER 3, 2024
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a great weekend.
This is the first full week of November. Grades for the first academic quarter close on November 08, 2024. Students will receive their report cards for the first academic quarter on November 22, 2024.
There will be no school on Tuesday November 5, 2024 due to teacher professional development. Additionally, there is no school on Monday November 11, 2024 in observance of Veteran’s Day.
MCAS Retest Dates:
Below are the dates for the MCAS Retest exams for English Language Arts and Math. Students in grades 11 and 12, who need to retest in English Language Arts and/or Math will be notified of their testing location. Families of students needing to retest will also be notified through email.
English Language Arts: Session 1 (November 6, 2024); Session 2 (November 7, 2024)
Math: Session 1 (November 12, 2024); Session 2 (November 13, 2024)
Election Related Anxiety Family Resources through our community partner Cartwheel:
Please check the Clinical Team sidetab of the Fitchburg High School website for resources to support students and families around election related anxiety. The resources were developed by our community partner Cartwheel.
Expectations and Routines (Reminder):
Parking, Arrival, Dismissal (Reminder):
Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website.
Information about Absence and Tardy Notes (Reminder):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Hector Surillo (Grades 9-12): (surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Information about Dismissals (Reminder):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): (champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Being Tardy to School (Reminder):
It is important for all students to be on time to school. Being on time to school allows students to take full advantage of their education. Additionally, being on time helps students access content and pass their courses. Fitchburg High School sends text messages home for students who are late to school. With your support, we can decrease tardiness and increase time on learning.
Recent School Threats (Reminder):
Due to the recent activity on social media, Fitchburg Police will periodically be outside at the school during arrival and dismissal.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, November 4 - Day 1
A Period is the first class of the day
School Committee meeting at 6:00pm streamed through FATV
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Professional Development Day - No School for Students
Election Day
Wednesday, November 6 - Day 2
B Period is the first class of the day
ELA MCAS Retest (Session 1)
Thursday, November 7 - Day 3
C Period is the first class of the day
Senior Pictures - Lobby
Class Football Games
ELA MCAS Retakes
Unified Basketball vs. Leominster @ Leominster
Friday, November 8 - Day 4
D Period is the first class of the day
Senior Pictures - Lobby
Grades Close for Academic Quarter 1
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
OCTOBER 31, 2024
Good Afternoon:
Today in the cafeteria, during lunch, staff intervened to prevent an altercation.
This led to a student escalating upon leaving the cafeteria. Staff was present to support the student, until the student deescalated in another area of the building.
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
OCTOBER 27, 2024
Good Morning Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a great weekend.
It is hard to believe, but this is the last full week of October. Let’s continue to partner to maintain strong daily student attendance.
With Halloween coming up on Thursday, please be aware that costumes must follow the dress code policies in the school’s student handbook. This includes no masks.
Grades for the first academic quarter close on November 08, 2024. Students will receive their report cards for the first academic quarter on November 22, 2024.
There will be no school on November 5, 2024 due to teacher professional development.
Panorama Survey:
The school will administer the Panorama Survey this week to students. The information below was originally sent to families on Friday October 11, 2024.
Expectations and Routines (Reminder):
Parking, Arrival, Dismissal (Reminder):
Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website.
Information about Absence and Tardy Notes (Reminder):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Alicia Membrino (Grades 9 & 12): (membrinoa@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Hector Surillo (Grades 10 & 11): (surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Information about Dismissals (Reminder):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): (champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Being Tardy to School (Reminder):
It is important for all students to be on time to school. Being on time to school allows students to take full advantage of their education. Additionally, being on time helps students access content and pass their courses. Fitchburg High School sends text messages home for students who are late to school. With your support, we can decrease tardiness and increase time on learning.
Recent School Threats (Reminder):
Due to the recent activity on social media, Fitchburg Police will periodically be outside at the school during arrival and dismissal.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, October 28, Day 2
B Period is the first period of the day
Gear UP field trip - UMass Amherst
Coed Unified Basketball vs. Leominster @ FHS
Tuesday, October 29, Day 3
C Period is the first period of the day
Staff Meeting
Wednesday, October 30, Day 4
D Period is the first period of the day
Gear Up Field Trip - Worcester Art Museum
Thursday, October 31, Day 5
E Period is the first period of the day
Friday, November 1, Day 6
F Period is the first period of the day
Advisory Day
Varsity Football vs. Doherty @ Foley Stadium
Saturday, November 2
SAT testing
JV Football vs. Doherty @ Crocker Field
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
Good Morning:
The Fitchburg High School band is in its final week of the competitive marching season. The band just earned second place in their division and a silver medal on October 26, 2024. If you'd like the chance to see the band perform its 2024 production "The Blacksmith" along with four other area bands, all for free, be at Oakmont Regional High School (9 Oakmont Drive, Ashburnham, MA 01430) this coming Saturday November 02, 2024.
Schedule is below:
2:20 - Welcome address and Combined Star Spangled Banner
2:30 - Gardner performance
2:45 - Fitchburg performance
3:00 - Ayer-Shirley performance
3:15 - Leominster performance
3:30 - Oakmont performance
It would be wonderful to see many Fitchburg faces in the stands! Come and wish the band good luck before the NESBA Championship Finals on Sunday November 03, 2024.
OCTOBER 23, 2024
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We received a StopIt Application report about an explicit picture posted on a SnapChat story that students may have seen.
We contacted SnapChat to have the picture removed from the page. The story is not affiliated with any official communication through Fitchburg High School and the Fitchburg Public Schools.
Even though there is not a connection to Fitchburg High School, we investigate all reports through the StopIt application.
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
OCTOBER 21, 2024
Good Morning:
Around 8:30am today there was a clog in the first floor student bathroom. We shut down the first floor student bathroom and staff bathrooms on the first floor.
Custodial staff worked to stop the clog. The clog was stopped at around 9:30am.
The clog caused water to come up from a few drains on the first floor. This led to an unpleasant odor. Although the odor was unpleasant, it was in no way harmful to staff or students. The odor was reduced by 10:30am.
The Custodial staff is working with a plumbing company to fix the first floor bathrooms.
During this time, the first floor bathrooms near the cafeteria are open for students. For staff, the main office bathrooms are available.
We would like to thank our custodial staff for their hard work in fixing the clog.
Regular operations are continuing at Fitchburg High School.
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.
Thank you for your attention to this message.
Dr. Braga
The 2nd Safety Task Force meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 23rd at 5:30 p.m. at Memorial Middle School in the library.
We will review an update of the surveillance/security system project timeline/progress, discuss the School-Based Crisis and Emergency Response tool draft, review communication from FBI and State Police relating to hoax/false report guidance, protocols to ensure safety at the school and community level, and discuss open topics.
As always, the meetings are open to all staff and families, so please consider attending either virtually or in-person .
In addition, there will be pizza, beverages, and some other snacks. I am trying to determine how many people are planning to attend in person so I can order the appropriate amount of food, so please complete this short Google Form (https://forms.gle/TVxL7BERfArCVfKe7) to help with that.
The meeting is conducted by Assistant Superintendent, Jeremy Roche
OCTOBER 20, 2024
Good Morning Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Pictures for students in Grade 12 will be in the foyer near the main entrance on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.
Grades for the first academic quarter close on November 08, 2024. Students will receive their report cards for the first academic quarter on November 22, 2024.
There will be no school on November 5, 2024 due to teacher professional development.
Updates from the FHS Instructional Coaching Team (October 2024):
Expectations and Routines (Reminder):
Parking, Arrival, Dismissal (Reminder):
Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website.
Information about Absence and Tardy Notes (Reminder):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Alicia Membrino (Grades 9 & 12): (membrinoa@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Hector Surillo (Grades 10 & 11): (surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Information about Dismissals (Reminder):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): (champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Being Tardy to School (Reminder):
It is important for all students to be on time to school. Being on time to school allows students to take full advantage of their education. Additionally, being on time helps students access content and pass their courses. Fitchburg High School sends text messages home for students who are late to school. With your support, we can decrease tardiness and increase time on learning.
Recent School Threats (Reminder):
Due to the recent activity on social media, Fitchburg Police will periodically be outside at the school during arrival and dismissal.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, October 21, Day 3
C Period is the first period of the day
Varsity Cross Country vs. Gardner @ Dunn's Park
Tuesday, October 22, Day 4
D Period is the first period of the day
Wednesday, October 23, Day 5
E Period is the first period of the day
Senior Pictures (foyer near the main entrance)
Thursday, October 24, Day 6
F Period is the first period of the day
Senior Pictures (foyer near the main entrance)
Class Football Games
Friday, October 25, Day 1
A Period is the first period of the day
Varsity Football vs. Nashoba @ Nashoba
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
OCTOBER 13, 2024
Good Morning Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a great weekend.
There is no school tomorrow, October 14, 2024, in recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ Day.
As a reminder, MCAS score reports were mailed to homes this past Friday.
SAT Exam, October 16, 2024:
The SAT exam for Grade 12 students, who registered, is on October 16, 2024. The exam will be held in the cafeteria after morning arrival. If you have any questions about the SAT exam please email Guidance Counselor, Carol Robison (robisonc@fitchburg.k12.ma.us).
School Clinician Team:
Please check our upcoming School Clinician side tab on the Fitchburg High School website. The side tab will have weekly updates around webinars, articles, and resources from our School Clinician team. The side tab should be live on our website this upcoming week.
Panorama Survey:
This past Friday I sent an email to families around the Panorama Student Survey. The information is also posted on our website.
Expectations and Routines (Reminder):
Parking, Arrival, Dismissal (Reminder):
Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website.
Information about Absence and Tardy Notes (Reminder):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Alicia Membrino (Grades 9 & 12): (membrinoa@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Hector Surillo (Grades 10 & 11): (surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Information about Dismissals (Reminder):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): (champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Being Tardy to School (Reminder):
It is important for all students to be on time to school. Being on time to school allows students to take full advantage of their education. Additionally, being on time helps students access content and pass their courses. Fitchburg High School sends text messages home for students who are late to school. With your support, we can decrease tardiness and increase time on learning.
Recent School Threats (Reminder):
Due to the recent activity on social media, Fitchburg Police will periodically be outside at the school during arrival and dismissal.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, October 14
Indigenous Peoples’ Day - No school
JV Football vs Marlborough @ Whitcomb Middle School
Tuesday, October 15 -Day 5
E Period is the first class of the day
Varsity Cross Country vs. St. Bernard's @ St. Bernard's
Boys Varsity, JV Soccer vs. Burncoat @ Crocker Field
Girls Varsity Soccer vs. Burncoat @ Burncoat
Girls Varsity, JV Volleyball vs. Burncoat @ Burncoat
Wednesday, October 16 - Day 6
F Period is the first class of the day
SAT - Grade 12, Cafeteria
Girls Varsity Field Hockey vs. Lunenburg @ Lunenburg
Thursday, October 17 - Day 1
A Period is the first class of the day
Boys JV Soccer vs. Gardner @ Crocker Field
Girls JV Soccer vs. Gardner @ Crocker Field
Girls Varsity, JV Volleyball vs. St. Bernard's @ FHS
Friday, October 18 - Day 2
B Period is the first class of the day
Varsity Football vs. Westborough @ Crocker Field
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. Gardner @ Gardner
Girls Varsity Soccer vs. Gardner @ Gardner
Girls Varsity, JV Volleyball vs. North Middlesex @ FHS
Saturday, October 19
Boys Varsity, JV Soccer vs. Shepherd Hill @ Shepherd Hill
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
OCTOBER 11, 2024
OCTOBER 7, 2024
Good Afternoon:
There was an incident in the cafeteria today. School administration was able to intervene and deescalate the situation.
Students were able to eat their lunch, and normal operations continued throughout the school day.
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
OCTOBER 6, 2024
Good Morning Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a great weekend.
We completed the first week in October.
As a reminder, there will be an early release day for students on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 for teacher professional development. Students will be dismissed at 11:30am on October 9, 2024.
Progress reports for the first quarter were provided to students on Friday, October 4, 2024 during the advisory period. Please send me an email if you did not receive your student’s progress report (bragaj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us).
Picture Day, October 11, 2024:
Picture day is on Friday, October 11, 2024. Below is the website and school code to order pictures.
School Code: 3593F25
PSAT Exam, October 8, 2024:
The PSAT exam for Grade 11 students, who registered, is on October 8, 2024. The exam will be held in the cafeteria after morning arrival. If you have any questions about the PSAT exam please email Guidance Counselor, Carol Robison (robisonc@fitchburg.k12.ma.us).
School Council:
This past Wednesday we held our first School Council Meeting. The School Council approved Fitchburg High School’s School Improvement Plan for School Year 2024-2025.
The school administration team will present the School Improvement Plan to the School Committee on Monday at 6:00pm. School Committee meetings are streamed through FATV.
School Clinician Team:
Below is a flyer from Fitchburg High School’s School Clinician Team.
Active Parenting of Teens Oct 2024.pdf
Fitchburg High School partners with Cartwheel Counseling to provide interested students and families to confidential mental health care with minimal waitlists. Services are available in multiple languages and students can access care from the comfort of home or during scheduled appointments during the school day. Interested families or students can reach out to their guidance counselor for more information, or email Jenna Lavery, Clinical Interventionist (laveryj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us) to make a referral. Cartwheel provides a free webinar series for parents and guardians linked below.
Cartwheel telehealth: referrals for FHS students (English)
Cartwheel telehealth: referrals for FHS students (Portuguese)
Cartwheel telehealth: referrals for FHS students (Spanish)
Cartwheel telehealth: referrals for FHS students (Haitian Creole)
Family Mental Health: free webinar resources
Expectations and Routines (Reminder):
Parking, Arrival, Dismissal (Reminder):
Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website.
Information about Absence and Tardy Notes (Reminder):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Alicia Membrino (Grades 9 & 12): (membrinoa@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Hector Surillo (Grades 10 & 11): (surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Information about Dismissals (Reminder):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): (champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us)
Being Tardy to School (Reminder):
It is important for all students to be on time to school. Being on time to school allows students to take full advantage of their education. Additionally, being on time helps students access content and pass their courses. Fitchburg High School sends text messages home for students who are late to school. With your support, we can decrease tardiness and increase time on learning.
Recent School Threats (Reminder):
Due to the recent activity on social media, Fitchburg Police will periodically be outside at the school during arrival and dismissal.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, October 7, Day 6
F period is the first period of the day
Spirit Week - Pajama Day
Caring for Kids Dental (Lobby)
JV Football vs. Auburn @ Auburn
Girls Varsity, JV Volleyball vs. Doherty @ Doherty
School Council at 6:00pm steamed through FATV
Tuesday, October 8, Day 1
A period is the first period of the day
Spirit Week - Jersey vs. New Jersey
Caring for Kids Dental (Lobby)
Varsity Field Hockey vs. Bromfield @ Crocker Field
Boys Varsity, JV Soccer vs. Ayer Shirley @ Crocker Field
Girls Varsity, JV Soccer vs. Ayer Shirley @ Crocker Field
Girls Varsity, JV Volleyball vs. Ayer Shirley @ Ayer Shirley
Wednesday, October 9, Day 2
B period is the first period of the day
Half day (students dismiss at 11:30)
Spirit Week - On Wednesdays We Wear Pink
Caring for Kids Dental (Lobby)
Varsity Field Hockey vs Groton-Dunstable @ Groton-Dunstable
Thursday, October 10, Day 3
C period is the first period of the day
Spirit Week - Twin Day
Caring for Kids Dental (Lobby)
Hispanic Heritage Celebration
Varsity Golf vs. Hudson @ Stow Acres
Boys Varsity, JV Soccer vs. Lunenburg @ Crocker Field
Girls Varsity, JV Soccer vs. Lunenburg @ Lunenburg
Girls Varsity, JV Volleyball vs. South Lancaster @ South Lancaster
Friday, October 11, Day 4
D period is the first period of the day
Spirit Week - Color Wars
Picture Day
Homecoming Pep Rally - B period
Varsity Field Hockey vs. Narragansett @ Crocker Field
Saturday, October 12
Homecoming Dance
Varsity Football vs. Marlborough @ Crocker Field
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. Quabbin @ Crocker Field
Girls Varsity Soccer vs. Quabbin @ Crocker Field
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
OCTOBER 2, 2024
Good Afternoon:
There was an incident on Bus 36 in the afternoon when buses were preparing to depart from Fitchburg High School.
School administration intervened to deescalate the situation.
The bus then departed Fitchburg High School to follow its normal route.
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
SEPTEMBER 29, 2024
Good Morning Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a great weekend.
We had a great showing at our Open House this past week.
Tomorrow is the final day of September and we have maintained a daily student attendance average of 91%. Thank you for your hard work in supporting attendance initiatives at Fitchburg High School.
Grades for progress reports for the first quarter closed on Friday (September 27, 2024). Progress reports for the first quarter will be provided to students on October 4, 2024 during the advisory period.
Grades for the first quarter close on November 8, 2024. Report cards for the first quarter will be provided to students on November 22, 2024.
As a reminder, there will be an early release day for students on October 9, 2024 for teacher professional development. Students will be dismissed at 11:30am on October 9, 2024.
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Accountability Data:
The accountability and assessment data for Fitchburg High School for this past school year has been released on the state’s department of education website. The school has made excellent progress in many areas. The reason for this progress is the incredible work put in by our staff each day, as well as the strong support from our families and students. Thank you! The top tabs, accountability and assessment, provide an overview of the school’s performance during the last school year.
School Council:
A school council is a representative, school building-based committee composed of the principal, parents, teachers, students, and community members required to be established by each school pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 71, Section 59C.
The school council supports in reviewing the school improvement plan, school budgets, as well as the policies at the school-level.
Please complete the form below if you are interested in joining the School Council for Fitchburg High School. If there is a lot of interest in joining the council, we will conduct a vote for each specific category of membership: Parents (Caretakers), Teachers (Educators), Students, and Community Members. All voting information will be communicated to the school-community.
Interest Form:
For more information around school councils, please see the link below:
School Picture Day:
School Picture Day will be on October 11, 2024. There will be more information to come around School Picture day.
Expectations and Routines (Reminder):
Parking, Arrival, Dismissal (Reminder):
Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website.
Information about Absence and Tardy Notes (Reminder):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Alicia Membrino (Grades 9 & 12): membrinoa@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Hector Surillo (Grades 10 & 11): surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Information about Dismissals (Reminder):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Being Tardy to School (Reminder):
It is important for all students to be on time to school. Being on time to school allows students to take full advantage of their education. Additionally, being on time helps students access content and pass their courses. Fitchburg High School sends text messages home for students who are late to school. With your support, we can decrease tardiness and increase time on learning.
Recent School Threats (Reminder):
Due to the recent activity on social media, Fitchburg Police will periodically be outside at the school during arrival and dismissal.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, September 30, Day 1
A period is the first class of the day
Tuesday, October 1, Day 2
B period is the first class of the day
Varsity Cross Country vs. Marlborough and Nashoba @ Nashoba
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. West Boylston @ Crocker Field
Girls Varsity Soccer vs. West Boylston @ Crocker Field
Girls Varsity, JV Volleyball vs. Leominster @ Leominster
Wednesday, October 2, Day 3
C period is the first class of the day
Senior Pictures - lobby
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. St. Bernard's @ Crocker Field
Thursday, October 3, Day 4
D period is the first class of the day
9th grade elections - G period
Varsity Golf vs. Oakmont @ Oakmont
Girls Varsity Soccer vs. Narragansett @ Crocker Field
Friday, October 4, Day 5
E period is the first class of the day
Advisory day
Varsity Field Hockey vs. Shepherd Hill @ Crocker Field
Varsity Football vs. Auburn @ Crocker Field
Girls Varsity, JV Volleyball vs. Marlborough @ FHS
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
SEPTEMBER 27, 2024
Good morning:
Yesterday afternoon there was a false social media post about an incident that took place at Fitchburg High School.
There was not an incident that took place at Fitchburg High School yesterday.
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
SEPTEMBER 26, 2024
Good Morning:
A school council is a representative, school building-based committee composed of the principal, parents, teachers, students, and community members required to be established by each school pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 71, Section 59C.
The school council supports in reviewing the school improvement plan, school budgets, as well as the policies at the school-level.
Please complete the form below if you are interested in joining the School Council for Fitchburg High School. If there is a lot of interest in joining the council, we will conduct a vote for each specific category of membership: Parents (Caretakers), Teachers (Educators), Students, and Community Members. All voting information will be communicated to the school-community.
Interest Form:
For more information around school councils, please see the link below:
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
SEPTEMBER 24, 2024
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
SEPTEMBER 22, 2024
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a great weekend.
This Tuesday (September 24, 2024) is our Open House event from 4:00pm to 6:00pm. The event is a great opportunity to meet your student’s teachers and learn about the instruction within each classroom. Below is the Open House presentation, which I will review at the start of Open House on Tuesday. To make the event efficient, please come to the event with a copy or picture of your student’s schedule. We will also have copies of student schedules at the main entrance of the high school. Slides 14 and 15 of the presentation below provide the structure of the Open House event.
School Picture Day:
School Picture Day will be on October 11, 2024. There will be more information to come around School Picture day.
Expectations and Routines (Reminder):
Parking, Arrival, Dismissal (Reminder):
Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website.
Information about Absence and Tardy Notes (Reminder):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Alicia Membrino (Grades 9 & 12): membrinoa@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Hector Surillo (Grades 10 & 11): surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Information about Dismissals (Reminder):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Being Tardy to School (Reminder):
It is important for all students to be on time to school. Being on time to school allows students to take full advantage of their education. Additionally, being on time helps students access content and pass their courses. Fitchburg High School sends text messages home for students who are late to school. With your support, we can decrease tardiness and increase time on learning.
Recent School Threats (Reminder):
Due to the recent activity on social media, Fitchburg Police will periodically be outside at the school during arrival and dismissal.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, September 23, Day 2
B Period is the first class of the day
Varsity Field Hockey vs. Hudson @ Crocker Field
Tuesday, September 24, Day 3
C Period is the first class of the day
Senior/Staff Reception 2-4pm
Open House 4-6pm
Varsity Cross Country vs. Leominster and Oakmont @ Barrett Park
Varsity Golf vs. St. Bernards and North Middlesex @ Oak Hill
Boys Varsity, JV Soccer vs. Lunenburg @ Lunenburg
Girls Varsity, JV Soccer vs. Lunenburg @ Crocker Field
Wednesday, September 25, Day 4
D Period is the first class of the day
Gear Up Field Trip (MWCC) 12th grade
Varsity Field Hockey vs. Littleton @ Littleton
Thursday, September 26, Day 5
E Period is the first class of the day
9th grade class meeting (G period)
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. South Lancaster Academy @ Crocker Field
Girls Varsity Soccer vs. Doherty @ Foley Stadium
Friday, September 27, Day 6
F Period is the first class of the day
Varsity Field Hockey vs. Tyngsborough @ Crocker Field
Varsity Football vs. Shepherd Hill @ Crocker Field
Saturday, September 28
JV Football vs. West Boylston @ Crocker Field
Boys Varsity, JV Soccer vs. Oakmont @ Oakmont
Girls Varsity Soccer vs. St. Bernard's @ Crocker Field
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
SEPTEMBER 19, 2024
Good morning,
This morning, at approximately 10:30 a.m., Fitchburg High School and the Fitchburg Fire Department conducted a fire drill.
All students and staff did a great job evacuating the building. Thank you.
Fitchburg High School Administration
SEPTEMBER 18, 2024
Good Morning:
Last night, Fitchburg Police received a report of a possible threat to the school through social media. The incident was investigated by Fitchburg Police last night and it was determined to not be a viable threat.
Police vehicles were at the school during arrival and they will be at the school at dismissal out of an abundance of caution.
Due to the recent activity on social media, Fitchburg Police will periodically be outside at the school during arrival and dismissal.
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
SEPTEMBER 15, 2024
Good Morning Fitchburg High School Families:
This is the first week of Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15, 2024 to October 15, 2024). As a school community, we honor the contributions, both past and present of Hispanic Americans for their profound and positive influence in our daily lives.
As a reminder, Open House is on Tuesday September 24, 2024.
During this week, we will begin to send texts to families for students who are tardy to school. The school utilizes this form of communication to support students with being on time to school.
The school’s attendance policy is available in the student handbook. The student handbook is available on the main page of the Fitchburg High School website.
The school will have its first advisory this Friday, September 20, 2024. The goals of advisory are to promote career and college readiness, social emotional learning, and to have regular “check-ins” with their teacher. The school schedule is slightly adjusted for the advisory period. Below is the schedule for Friday’s advisory. Student’s can find their advisory room on ASPEN. We will also post advisory room locations throughout the building on Friday.
Day 1: Friday September 20, 2024
A Period: 7:30 - 8:11
G Period: 8:16 - 9:05
Advisory: 9:10 - 9:40
B Period: 9:45 - 10:28
C Period: 10:33 - 11:15
D Period: 11:20 - 1:05 (Lunches)
E Period: 1:10 - 2:05
School Safety and the STOPIt Application:
As previously communicated, this past week we received a message of a potential threat to the school through the STOPIt application. The school follows safety procedures when receiving any potential threat. This includes working with the school resource officer to determine the validity of the threat, implementing school safety protocols when applicable, and communicating to families.
Out of an abundance of caution to start the week, tomorrow we will have two police vehicles on school property during arrival and dismissal.
Fitchburg High School consistently practices safety procedures to ensure the safety of all students and staff members.
The STOPit application is an online reporting tool designed to deter and mitigate bullying, cyber abuse, and other inappropriate behaviors, consisting of an app and a back-end incident management system for school administrators.
Students will have access to the STOPit mobile app, which has two simple but powerful features.
Specifically, the program educates students to:
Recognize the signs of at-risk behaviors
Take every sign and signal seriously
Report it anonymously through STOPit App/Web or 24/7 Incident Response Center
Submit photo or video evidence (App/Web Only)
Alert designated administrators to issues and risks early, before they escalate
No personal information is needed to use STOPit. The only way personally identifiable information will be accessible through STOPit is if a requester voluntarily includes it within the content of a request or message.
We encourage you to download the STOPit app and search for your student’s school using the directory. You can privately ask for help for your student, family, others you care about, or even acquaintances who appear to need help.
For a video on how to use STOPit, go to: https://stopit.vids.io/videos/a79fdcb1171ceac22e/stopit-relaunch
Safety Task Force - September 25 - Memorial Middle School - Library (or virtual):
The first district wide Safety Task Force meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 25th at 5:30 p.m. at Memorial Middle School in the library. The Safety Task Force meetings are hosted by Jeremy Roche, Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations. Mr. Roche will review an update of the surveillance/security system project timeline/progress, discuss the School-Based Crisis and Emergency Response tool draft, review communication procedures, protocols to ensure safety, and discuss open topics. As always, the meetings are open to all staff and families, so please consider attending either virtually or in-person. The link for the virtual meeting is below and if you plan to attend, please complete the Google Form so Mr. Roche knows how much food to provide.
Google Meeting Link: meet.google.com/dxq-yeki-fcs
Google Form Link: https://forms.gle/cjVrzVsrFnRXqs1u8
Expectations and Routines (Reminder):
Parking, Arrival, Dismissal (Reminder):
Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website.
Information about Absence and Tardy Notes (Reminder):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Alicia Membrino (Grades 9 & 12): membrinoa@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Hector Surillo (Grades 10 & 11): surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Information about Dismissals (Reminder):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, September 16, Day 3
C Period is the first class of the day
Varsity Field Hockey vs. Shepherd Hill @ Shepherd Hill
School Committee Meeting at 6:00pm streaming on FATV
Tuesday, September 17, Day 4
D Period is the first class of the day
Varsity Cross Country vs. Sizer, Groton-Dunstable @ Saima Park
Varsity Golf vs. Oakmont and Leominster @ Oak Hill
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. Clinton @ Crocker Field
Boys JV Soccer vs. Clinton @ Clinton
Girls Varsity Soccer vs. Clinton @ Crocker Field
Girls JV Soccer vs. Clinton @ Clinton
Girls Varsity, JV Volleyball vs. Ayer Shirley @ FHS
Wednesday, September 18, Day 5
E Period is the first class of the day
Varsity Field Hockey vs. Groton-Dunstable @ Crocker Field
Thursday, September 19, Day 6
F Period is the first class of the day
Varsity Golf vs. Shepherd Hill at Dudley Hill Golf Club
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. Gardner @ Crocker Field
Boys JV Soccer vs. Gardner @ Gardner
Girls Varsity Soccer vs. Gardner @ Crocker Field
Girls JV Soccer vs. Gardner @ Gardner
Girls Varsity, JV Volleyball vs. South @ FHS
Friday, September 20, Day 1
A Period is the first class of the day
Varsity Field Hockey vs. Lunenburg @ Crocker Field
Varsity Football vs. West Boylston @ West Boylston
Varsity Golf vs. North Middlesex @ Northern Spy Golf Club
Girls Varsity, JV Volleyball vs. North Middlesex @ North Middlesex
Saturday, September 21
JV Football vs. West Boylston @ Crocker Field
SEPTEMBER 11, 2024
Good Morning:
We received a StopIt application message that identified a potential threat to the school. The school administration with the school resource officer investigated the message.
There is no threat to the school. Students and staff are safe, and the school is continuing its normal operations.
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We had a great start to the school year.
Required forms went home with students this week. At your convenience, please complete the forms and have your student return the forms to their teacher or the main office.
Please email your student's Guidance Counselor, if there are any questions around student schedules.
For students who are newly enrolled at Fitchburg High School, we are working with our technology department to provide newly enrolled students with Chromebooks.
We are looking forward to the first full week of school.
Fitchburg High School Open House is on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm.
As a reminder, below are the school expectations and routines, as well as the parking procedures during the construction period.
Expectations and Routines:
Parking, Arrival, Dismissal:
Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website.
Information about Absence and Tardy Notes:
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Alicia Membrino (Grades 9 & 12): membrinoa@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Hector Surillo (Grades 10 & 11): surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Information about Dismissals:
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Breakfast for the Bands:
Below is information about the Breakfast for the Bands event. This is a great event that supports both the Fitchburg High School and Leominster High School bands.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, September 9, Day 4
D Period is the first class of the day
Varsity Field Hockey vs. Tyngsborough @ Tyngsborough
Tuesday, September 10, Day 5
E Period is the first class of the day
Senior Class meeting (F period)
Sophomore Class Meeting (A period)
Varsity Cross Country vs. North Middlesex @ North Middlesex
Varsity Golf vs. Marlborough @ Oak Hill
Girls Varsity, JV-1, JV-2 Volleyball vs. Leominster @ FHS
Wednesday, September 11, Day 6
F Period is the first class of the day
Moment of Silence in remembrance of 9/11
Varsity Field Hockey vs. South @ South High
Thursday, September 12, Day 1
A Period is the first class of the day
Grade 12 Pictures - Lobby
Varsity Golf vs. Groton-Dunstable @ Groton Country Club
Boys Varsity, JV Soccer vs. Ayer Shirley @ Ayer Shirley
Girls Varsity, JV Soccer vs. Ayer Shirley @ Ayer Shirley
Friday, September 13, Day 2
B Period is the first class of the day
Varsity Field Hockey vs. Tantasqua @ Tantasqua
Girls Varsity, JV-1 Volleyball vs. Assabet @ Assabet
Saturday, September 14
ACT Testing
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
Good Afternoon:
This morning there was an incident on Bus 47. School administration intervened to calm the incident. Students on Bus 47 were able to exit the bus and continue their school day.
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
Thank you to all of the students and families who attended the New Student Orientation this past Thursday.
Wednesday, September 4, 2024 is the first day of school. The first day of school will be Day 1 on our schedule. The first class on the first day will be A period. We will also review the schedule with students during the first class.
Schedules are available in Aspen. The Guidance Team is working diligently to complete final updates to the schedule. For the first week of school, students should follow their provided schedule, and then email their Guidance Counselor, if they would like adjustments made to their schedule. Their Guidance Counselor will schedule a meeting with the student to make any appropriate changes to their schedule.
Breakfast begins at 7:00am in the cafeteria. The first class of the day begins promptly at 7:30am. Students arriving after 7:30am will receive a tardy pass in the main lobby.
Our Open House is Tuesday, September 24, 2024 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm.
Below are the school expectations. We will also review the expectations during the first class.
Below are the student parking, as well as the arrival and dismissal procedures.
As a reminder, the bus stop schedule, as well as the whole school schedule is available on the Fitchburg High School website under the side tab, daily announcements.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, September 2nd - No School, Labor Day
Tuesday, September 3rd - Teacher Professional Development Day, No students
Varsity Golf vs. Shepherd Hill, St. Bernard's, Groton-Dunstable @ Oak Hill
Boys Varsity, JV Soccer vs. Clinton @ Clinton
Girls Varsity, JV Soccer vs. Clinton @ Crocker Field
Wednesday, September 4th - Day 1
A period is the first period of the day
First day with students
Girls Varsity Field Hockey vs. Hudson @ Hudson
Varsity Golf vs. Marlborough @ Marlborough
Girls Varsity, JV-1 Volleyball vs. St. Bernard's @ St. Bernard's
Thursday, September 5th - Day 2
B period is first period of the day
Friday, September 6th - Day 3
C period is the first period of the day
Girls Varsity Field Hockey vs. Littleton @ Crocker Field
Varsity Football vs. North Middlesex @ North Middlesex
Girls Varsity, JV-1, JV-2 Volleyball vs. Marlborough @ Marlborough
Saturday, September 7th
JV Football vs. North Middlesex @ Crocker Field
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. West Boylston @ Crocker Field
Girls Varsity Soccer vs. West Boylston @ West Boylston
Girls Varsity, JV-1 Volleyball vs. Shepherd Hill @ Shepherd Hill
We are looking forward to a great year.
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
AUGUST 28, 2024
Good Morning Fitchburg High School Families:
Below are the logistics for student parking during construction. Construction will take place in the parking lot areas for approximately the next two months. The document also has the updated logistics for arrival and dismissal. Buses will follow the same procedure as last year. For these two months of construction to the parking lot, we recommend that students take the Fitchburg High School buses.
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
Buenos días familias de la escuela secundaria Fitchburg:
A continuación se detalla la logística para el estacionamiento de estudiantes durante la construcción. La construcción se llevará a cabo en las áreas de estacionamiento durante aproximadamente los próximos dos meses. El documento también cuenta con la logística actualizada de llegada y salida. Durante estos dos meses de construcción de las áreas de estacionamiento, recomendamos que los estudiantes tomen los autobuses de Fitchburg High School.
Dr. Braga
AUGUST 22, 2024
AUGUST 12, 2024
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a great summer.
First, I would like to thank everyone for a great 2023-2024 school year. We are looking forward to welcoming students back for the 2024-2025 school year.
As the school year approaches, I wanted to send out a communication around the upcoming important dates.
The first day of school is Wednesday, September 4, 2024. Our school hours are 7:30am to 2:05pm. Breakfast begins in the cafeteria at 7:00am each morning.
For incoming Grade 9 students (Class of 2028), we will have an orientation on Thursday, August 29th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at Fitchburg High School. This event will provide incoming students and families with a tour of the school, as well as an overview of the operations of Fitchburg High School. Please complete the survey below, if you are planning to attend the event. The event is also open to all students and families who are new to Fitchburg High School (Grades 10-12).
Additionally, there will be an orientation for students accepted into the MVP program on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 6:00pm at Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical School. The MVP program provides incoming Grade 11th and 12th students with the opportunity to learn electrical and carpentry. Enrollment into the program for incoming Grade 11 students is closed. There are still openings in the program for incoming Grade 12 students. If your student is entering Grade 12 and you are interested in the program, please contact me via email (bragaj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us).
Student schedules will be available in ASPEN by August 19, 2024. Please email your student’s guidance counselor, if you have any questions about your student’s schedule. If you do not have access to ASPEN, please email our SIMS secretary, Ms. Loepere-Smith (loepereg@fitchburg.k12.ma.us).
Please email our school registrar if you need support with student records or if you are in the process of transferring schools. Our school registrar, Ms. Solano-Padilla, can be reached via email (solanopadillam@fitchburg.k12.ma.us).
As we get closer to the start of the school year, I will send a welcome email, which will contain the school schedule (the rotating schedule is the same as last year, it is also posted on the FHS website), bus routes, policies and procedures, as well as updates to the school year.
Please contact me via email if you have any questions (bragaj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us).
Enjoy the remainder of the summer and thank you,
Dr. Braga
Buenas tardes familias de la escuela secundaria de Fitchburg:
Esperamos que todos estén teniendo un gran verano.
Primero, me gustaría agradecer a todos por un excelente año escolar 2023-2024. Esperamos darles la bienvenida a los estudiantes para el año escolar 2024-2025.
A medida que se acerca el año escolar, quería enviar un comunicado sobre las próximas fechas importantes.
El primer día de clases es el miércoles 4 de septiembre de 2024. Nuestro horario escolar es de 7:30 a. m. a 2:05 p. m. El desayuno comienza en la cafetería a las 7:00 am cada mañana.
Para los estudiantes entrantes al noveno grado (generación de 2028), tendremos una orientación sobre Jueves 29 de agosto de 6:00p.m. a 8:00 p. m. en Fitchburg High School. Este evento brindará a los estudiantes entrantes y a sus familias un recorrido por la escuela, así como una descripción general de las operaciones de Fitchburg High School. Complete la encuesta a continuación si planea asistir al evento. El evento también está abierto a todos los estudiantes y familias nuevas en la escuela secundaria de Fitchburg (grados 10-12).
Además, habrá una orientación para los estudiantes aceptados en el programa MVP el miércoles 21 de agosto de 2024 a las 6:00 p. m. en Escuela Técnica Vocacional Regional Montachusett. El programa MVP brinda a los estudiantes entrantes de los grados 11 y 12 la oportunidad de aprender electricidad y carpintería. La inscripción al programa para estudiantes entrantes al grado 11 está cerrada. Todavía hay vacantes en el programa para estudiantes entrantes al grado 12. Si su estudiante está ingresando al grado 12 y está interesado en el programa, comuníquese conmigo por correo electrónico (bragaj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us).
Los horarios de los estudiantes estarán disponibles en ASPEN el 19 de agosto de 2024. Envíe un correo electrónico al consejero vocacional de su estudiante si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el horario de su estudiante. Si no tiene acceso a ASPEN, envíe un correo electrónico a nuestra secretaria de SIMS, la Sra. Loepere-Smith (loepereg@fitchburg.k12.ma.us).
Envíe un correo electrónico a nuestro registrador escolar si necesita ayuda con los registros de los estudiantes o si está en el proceso de transferencia de escuelas. Puede comunicarse con nuestra registradora escolar, la Sra. Solano-Padilla, por correo electrónico (solanopadillam@fitchburg.k12.ma.us).
A medida que nos acerquemos al inicio del año escolar, enviaré un correo electrónico de bienvenida, que contendrá el horario escolar (el horario rotativo es el mismo que el año pasado, también está publicado en el sitio web de FHS), rutas de autobús, políticas y procedimientos, así como actualizaciones del año escolar.
Por favor contáctame por correo electrónico si tiene alguna pregunta (bragaj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us).
Disfruten el resto del verano y gracias,
Dr. Braga