Daily Announcements


SEPTEMBER 15, 2024

Good Morning Fitchburg High School Families: 

This is the first week of Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15, 2024 to October 15, 2024). As a school community, we honor the contributions, both past and present of Hispanic Americans for their profound and positive influence in our daily lives. 

As a reminder, Open House is on Tuesday September 24, 2024. 

During this week, we will begin to send texts to families for students who are tardy to school. The school utilizes this form of communication to support students with being on time to school. 

The school’s attendance policy is available in the student handbook. The student handbook is available on the main page of the Fitchburg High School website. 



The school will have its first advisory this Friday, September 20, 2024.  The goals of advisory are to promote career and college readiness, social emotional learning, and to have regular “check-ins” with their teacher. The school schedule is slightly adjusted for the advisory period. Below is the schedule for Friday’s advisory. Student’s can find their advisory room on ASPEN. We will also post advisory room locations throughout the building on Friday. 

Day 1: Friday September 20, 2024

School Safety and the STOPIt Application

As previously communicated, this past week we received a message of a potential threat to the school through the STOPIt application. The school follows safety procedures when receiving any potential threat. This includes working with the school resource officer to determine the validity of the threat, implementing school safety protocols when applicable, and communicating to families. 

Out of an abundance of caution to start the week, tomorrow we will have two police vehicles on school property during arrival and dismissal. 

Fitchburg High School consistently practices safety procedures to ensure the safety of all students and staff members. 

The STOPit application is an online reporting tool designed to deter and mitigate bullying, cyber abuse, and other inappropriate behaviors, consisting of an app and a back-end incident management system for school administrators.


Students will have access to the STOPit mobile app, which has two simple but powerful features.

Specifically, the program educates students to:

No personal information is needed to use STOPit. The only way personally identifiable information will be accessible through STOPit is if a requester voluntarily includes it within the content of a request or message.

We encourage you to download the STOPit app and search for your student’s school using the directory. You can privately ask for help for your student, family, others you care about, or even acquaintances who appear to need help.

For a video on how to use STOPit, go to: https://stopit.vids.io/videos/a79fdcb1171ceac22e/stopit-relaunch

Safety Task Force - September 25 - Memorial Middle School - Library (or virtual):  

The first district wide Safety Task Force meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 25th at 5:30 p.m. at Memorial Middle School in the library. The Safety Task Force meetings are hosted by Jeremy Roche, Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations. Mr. Roche will review an update of the surveillance/security system project timeline/progress, discuss the School-Based Crisis and Emergency Response tool draft, review communication procedures, protocols to ensure safety, and discuss open topics. As always, the meetings are open to all staff and families, so please consider attending either virtually or in-person. The link for the virtual meeting is below and if you plan to attend, please complete the Google Form so Mr. Roche knows how much food to provide.

Google Meeting Link: meet.google.com/dxq-yeki-fcs

Google Form Link: https://forms.gle/cjVrzVsrFnRXqs1u8

Expectations and Routines (Reminder):





Parking, Arrival, Dismissal (Reminder)





Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website. 

Information about Absence and Tardy Notes (Reminder):

Information about Dismissals (Reminder):

Important Dates for the Week: 

Monday, September 16, Day 3

Tuesday, September 17, Day 4

Wednesday, September 18, Day 5

Thursday, September 19, Day 6

Friday, September 20, Day 1

Saturday, September 21

SEPTEMBER 11, 2024

Good Morning: 

We received a StopIt application message that identified a potential threat to the school. The school administration with the school resource officer investigated the message. 

There is no threat to the school. Students and staff are safe, and the school is continuing its normal operations. 

Thank you, 

Dr. Braga


Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families: 

We had a great start to the school year. 

Required forms went home with students this week. At your convenience, please complete the forms and have your student return the forms to their teacher or the main office. 

Please email your student's Guidance Counselor, if there are any questions around student schedules. 

For students who are newly enrolled at Fitchburg High School, we are working with our technology department to provide newly enrolled students with Chromebooks. 

We are looking forward to the first full week of school. 

Fitchburg High School Open House is on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm. 

As a reminder, below are the school expectations and routines, as well as the parking procedures during the construction period. 

Expectations and Routines:





Parking, Arrival, Dismissal





Additionally, the school schedule and bus routes are available on the Fitchburg High School website. 

Information about Absence and Tardy Notes:

Information about Dismissals:

Breakfast for the Bands:

Below is information about the Breakfast for the Bands event. This is a great event that supports both the Fitchburg High School and Leominster High School bands. 





Important Dates for the Week: 

Monday, September 9, Day 4

Tuesday, September 10, Day 5

Wednesday, September 11, Day 6

Thursday, September 12, Day 1

Friday, September 13, Day 2

Saturday, September 14

Thank you, 

Dr. Braga 


Good Afternoon: 

This morning there was an incident on Bus 47. School administration intervened to calm the incident. Students on Bus 47 were able to exit the bus and continue their school day. 

Thank you, 

Dr. Braga 


Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families: 

We hope everyone is having a nice weekend. 

Thank you to all of the students and families who attended the New Student Orientation this past Thursday. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024 is the first day of school. The first day of school will be Day 1 on our schedule. The first class on the first day will be A period. We will also review the schedule with students during the first class. 

Schedules are available in Aspen. The Guidance Team is working diligently to complete final updates to the schedule. For the first week of school, students should follow their provided schedule, and then email their Guidance Counselor, if they would like adjustments made to their schedule. Their Guidance Counselor will schedule a meeting with the student to make any appropriate changes to their schedule. 

Breakfast begins at 7:00am in the cafeteria. The first class of the day begins promptly at 7:30am. Students arriving after 7:30am will receive a tardy pass in the main lobby. 

Our Open House is Tuesday, September 24, 2024 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm. 

Below are the school expectations. We will also review the expectations during the first class. 





Below are the student parking, as well as the arrival and dismissal procedures. 





As a reminder, the bus stop schedule, as well as the whole school schedule is available on the Fitchburg High School website under the side tab, daily announcements. 

Important Dates for the Week

Monday, September 2nd - No School, Labor Day

Tuesday, September 3rd - Teacher Professional Development Day, No students

Wednesday, September 4th - Day 1

Thursday, September 5th - Day 2

Friday, September 6th - Day 3

Saturday, September 7th

We are looking forward to a great year. 

Thank you, 

Dr. Braga 

AUGUST 28, 2024

Good Morning Fitchburg High School Families: 

Below are the logistics for student parking during construction. Construction will take place in the parking lot areas for approximately the next two months. The document also has the updated logistics for arrival and dismissal. Buses will follow the same procedure as last year. For these two months of construction to the parking lot, we recommend that students take the Fitchburg High School buses. 

Thank you, 

Dr. Braga 

(English) FHS Construction Parking 2024

Buenos días familias de la escuela secundaria Fitchburg: 

A continuación se detalla la logística para el estacionamiento de estudiantes durante la construcción. La construcción se llevará a cabo en las áreas de estacionamiento durante aproximadamente los próximos dos meses. El documento también cuenta con la logística actualizada de llegada y salida. Durante estos dos meses de construcción de las áreas de estacionamiento, recomendamos que los estudiantes tomen los autobuses de Fitchburg High School.


Dr. Braga 

(Spanish) FHS Construction Parking 2024

AUGUST 22, 2024

(English) Welcome Letter FHS SY24-25
(Spanish) Welcome Letter FHS SY24-25
Fitchburg High School Bus Routes 8-22-24.pdf

AUGUST 12, 2024

Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families: 

We hope everyone is having a great summer. 

First, I would like to thank everyone for a great 2023-2024 school year. We are looking forward to welcoming students back for the 2024-2025 school year. 

As the school year approaches, I wanted to send out a communication around the upcoming important dates. 

The first day of school is Wednesday, September 4, 2024. Our school hours are 7:30am to 2:05pm. Breakfast begins in the cafeteria at 7:00am each morning. 

For incoming Grade 9 students (Class of 2028), we will have an orientation on Thursday, August 29th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at Fitchburg High School. This event will provide incoming students and families with a tour of the school, as well as an overview of the operations of Fitchburg High School. Please complete the survey below, if you are planning to attend the event. The event is also open to all students and families who are new to Fitchburg High School (Grades 10-12). 


Additionally, there will be an orientation for students accepted into the MVP program on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 6:00pm at Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical School. The MVP program provides incoming Grade 11th and 12th students with the opportunity to learn electrical and carpentry. Enrollment into the program for incoming Grade 11 students is closed. There are still openings in the program for incoming Grade 12 students. If your student is entering Grade 12 and you are interested in the program, please contact me via email (bragaj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us). 

Student schedules will be available in ASPEN by August 19, 2024. Please email your student’s guidance counselor, if you have any questions about your student’s schedule. If you do not have access to ASPEN, please email our SIMS secretary, Ms. Loepere-Smith (loepereg@fitchburg.k12.ma.us). 

Please email our school registrar if you need support with student records or if you are in the process of transferring schools. Our school registrar, Ms. Solano-Padilla, can be reached via email (solanopadillam@fitchburg.k12.ma.us). 

As we get closer to the start of the school year, I will send a welcome email, which will contain the school schedule (the rotating schedule is the same as last year, it is also posted on the FHS website), bus routes, policies and procedures, as well as updates to the school year. 

Please contact me via email if you have any questions (bragaj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us). 

Enjoy the remainder of the summer and thank you, 

Dr. Braga 

Buenas tardes familias de la escuela secundaria de Fitchburg: 

Esperamos que todos estén teniendo un gran verano. 

Primero, me gustaría agradecer a todos por un excelente año escolar 2023-2024. Esperamos darles la bienvenida a los estudiantes para el año escolar 2024-2025. 

A medida que se acerca el año escolar, quería enviar un comunicado sobre las próximas fechas importantes. 

El primer día de clases es el miércoles 4 de septiembre de 2024. Nuestro horario escolar es de 7:30 a. m. a 2:05 p. m. El desayuno comienza en la cafetería a las 7:00 am cada mañana. 

Para los estudiantes entrantes al noveno grado (generación de 2028), tendremos una orientación sobre Jueves 29 de agosto de 6:00p.m. a 8:00 p. m. en Fitchburg High School. Este evento brindará a los estudiantes entrantes y a sus familias un recorrido por la escuela, así como una descripción general de las operaciones de Fitchburg High School. Complete la encuesta a continuación si planea asistir al evento. El evento también está abierto a todos los estudiantes y familias nuevas en la escuela secundaria de Fitchburg (grados 10-12). 


Además, habrá una orientación para los estudiantes aceptados en el programa MVP el miércoles 21 de agosto de 2024 a las 6:00 p. m. en Escuela Técnica Vocacional Regional Montachusett. El programa MVP brinda a los estudiantes entrantes de los grados 11 y 12 la oportunidad de aprender electricidad y carpintería. La inscripción al programa para estudiantes entrantes al grado 11 está cerrada. Todavía hay vacantes en el programa para estudiantes entrantes al grado 12. Si su estudiante está ingresando al grado 12 y está interesado en el programa, comuníquese conmigo por correo electrónico (bragaj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us). 

Los horarios de los estudiantes estarán disponibles en ASPEN el 19 de agosto de 2024. Envíe un correo electrónico al consejero vocacional de su estudiante si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el horario de su estudiante. Si no tiene acceso a ASPEN, envíe un correo electrónico a nuestra secretaria de SIMS, la Sra. Loepere-Smith (loepereg@fitchburg.k12.ma.us). 

Envíe un correo electrónico a nuestro registrador escolar si necesita ayuda con los registros de los estudiantes o si está en el proceso de transferencia de escuelas. Puede comunicarse con nuestra registradora escolar, la Sra. Solano-Padilla, por correo electrónico (solanopadillam@fitchburg.k12.ma.us). 

A medida que nos acerquemos al inicio del año escolar, enviaré un correo electrónico de bienvenida, que contendrá el horario escolar (el horario rotativo es el mismo que el año pasado, también está publicado en el sitio web de FHS), rutas de autobús, políticas y procedimientos, así como actualizaciones del año escolar. 

Por favor contáctame por correo electrónico si tiene alguna pregunta (bragaj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us). 

Disfruten el resto del verano y gracias, 

Dr. Braga


(English) FHS Daily Rotation Schedule
(Portuguese) FHS Daily Rotation Schedule
(Haitian) FHS Daily Rotation Schedule
(Spanish) FHS Daily Rotation Schedule
(Hmong) FHS Daily Rotation Schedule