Daily Announcements
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
Happy New Year! We hope everyone is having a great vacation.
Students return to school on Tuesday January 2, 2024.
There is no school tomorrow, New Year’s Day, Monday January 1, 2024.
Student Representatives for School Committee:
Selina Moua and James Cannon are our 2024 School Committee Student Representatives. A special thank you to Zoe and Journie for their service as 2023 Student Representatives.
Socks and Winter Jackets:
The Fitchburg High School Red Raider Pantry currently has socks and winter jackets available for students and families. Please reach out to Roberta McMaster at mcmasterr@fitchburg.k12.ma.us if you would like more information.
Progress Reports:
Students will receive their Progress Report for the second quarter on Friday January 5, 2024 during the advisory period. The second quarter officially closes on January 26, 2024.
12th Grade Photos:
12th Grade students who have not yet completed their photos. There will be a make-up day scheduled for the week of January 8, 2024.
Student Drop-Off (Arrival):
This is a reminder that students cannot be dropped off on the road for safety reasons. Students must exit vehicles in the parking lot. Thank you for your attention to this safety routine.
Reminder (Cell-Phones):
Students are expected to place their cell phone in their backpack or cell phone pocket during class time.
The teacher will determine the specific procedure for the class. Students have access to their cell phones during transitions to the next classes and during breakfast and lunch.
Backpacks remain in the classroom during class time, unless needed for a health item, 504 Plan, IEP. Backpacks travel with students during transitions to the next classes.
Reminders (Absent and Tardy Notes):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Alicia Membrino (Grades 11 & 12): membrinoa@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Hector Surillo (Grades 9 & 10): surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Reminders (Dismissal):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Julie Membrino (Front Office Secretary): membrinoj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, January 1 - No School
New Year’s Day
Tuesday, January 2 - Day 3
C Period is the first class of the day
Mayoral Inauguration at FHS (6:30pm)
Wednesday, January 3 - Day 4
D Period is the first class of the day
Boys Varsity, JV Basketball vs Oakmont @ Oakmont
Girls Varsity, JV Basketball vs Worcester Tech @ FHS
Varsity Hockey vs. Saint Paul Diocesan @ Worcester Ice Center
Thursday, January 4 - Day 5
E Period is the first class of the day
Longsjo Middle School Trip
Friday, January 5 - Day 6
F Period is the first class of the day
Advisory Day – Students will receive Progress Reports for the second quarter
Boys Varsity, JV Basketball vs Wachusett @ Wachusett
Girls Varsity, JV Basketball vs Leominster @ FHS
Saturday January 6
Robotics Competition
Varsity Hockey vs. St. Bernard's @ Wallace Civic Center
Have a great week and thank you,
Dr. Braga
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a great December Vacation. There is no school for students this week, Monday to Friday.
Our main office will be open this week, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8:00am to 3:00pm.
Happy Holidays!
Dr. Braga
Important Dates for the Week:
Wednesday December 27
Girls Varsity Basketball vs Whittier Tech @ Amesbury
Friday December 29
Boys Varsity, JV Basketball vs Algonquin @ FHS
Varsity Hockey vs. Assabet Valley @ Wallace
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
This is our last week until December vacation. This is a full week of school. Friday, December 22, 2023 is a full day of school.
December vacation is from December 25, 2023 to January 1, 2024. Students will return from December break on January 2, 2024.
We wish everyone a Happy Holiday season and a Happy New Year!
Holiday Fair: December 22, 2023
We will be holding a Holiday Fair during the school day on Friday December 22, 2023. During the Holiday Fair, we will have a variety of clubs and organizations that will sell crafts and other items. There will also be a variety of games to play at the Holiday Fair. Each grade-level will get a chance to participate in the Holiday Fair.
The length of classes will be adjusted on Friday to accommodate the Holiday Fair.
B Period: 7:30am to 8:15am
G Period: 8:20am to 9:20am (Grade 9 and 12 Students attend the Holiday Fair)
C Period: 9:25am to 10:25am (Grade 10 and 11 Students attend the Holiday Fair)
D Period: 10:30am to 11:15am
E Period (Lunch Block): 11:20am to 1:05pm
First Lunch: 11:20am to 11:43am
Second Lunch: 11:47am to 12:10pm
Third Lunch: 12:14pm to 12:37pm
Fourth Lunch: 12:41pm to 1:05pm
F Period: 1:10pm to 2:05pm (Dismissal)
Reminder (Cell-Phones):
Students are expected to place their cell phone in their backpack or cell phone pocket during class time.
The teacher will determine the specific procedure for the class. Students have access to their cell phones during transitions to the next classes and during breakfast and lunch.
Backpacks remain in the classroom during class time, unless needed for a health item, 504 Plan, IEP. Backpacks travel with students during transitions to the next classes.
Reminders (Absent and Tardy Notes):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Alicia Membrino (Grades 11 & 12): membrinoa@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Hector Surillo (Grades 9 & 10): surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Reminders (Dismissal):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Julie Membrino (Front Office Secretary): membrinoj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, December 18, Day 4
D Period is the first class of the day
Adams Scholars Awards
Tuesday, December 19, Day 5
E Period is the first class of the day
Boys Varsity, JV-1, Freshman Basketball vs Leominster @ Leominster
Girls Varsity, JV Basketball vs. Shepherd Hill @ FHS
JV Hockey vs. Leominster @ Wallace
Wednesday, December 20, Day 6
F Period is the first class of the day
Hanover Field Trip
Band Field Trip
Indoor Track vs 7 teams @ FHS
Thursday, December 21, Day 1
A Period is the first class of the day
Winter Concert
Boys Varsity, JV-1, JV-2 Basketball vs. Doherty @ FHS
Friday, December 22, Day 2
B Period is the first class of the day
Holiday Fair
Girls Varsity, JV Basketball vs. Groton-Dunstable @ FHS
Saturday December 23
Varsity Hockey vs Littleton @ Groton School
Sunday December 24
JV Hockey vs. TBA @ Wallace
Have a great week and thank you,
Dr. Braga
Fitchburg esports team looking to ‘Smash’ the competition - Red Raiders to compete for state title Thursday
A state championship is right in the fingertips of three Fitchburg High School students.
For senior brothers Cameron and Owen Peters, and junior Julio Guerrero Cano, the trio are members of Fitchburg High’s ultra-talented “Super Smash Bros Ultimate” esports team that have advanced into the state championship round on Thursday at the Helix eSports Arena at Patriot Place next door to Gillette Stadium in Foxboro.
“All three demonstrated their knowledge and abilities at SSB early during their tryouts, and I know that they have all been working very hard to get to this point,” said Fitchburg High coach and teacher, Greg Bray-Bustos. “Last year we made it to the playoffs, but ended the season in fourth place. This year, especially considering they are undefeated, I have a good feeling that they could go all the way. Long story short, they are very committed to winning, and on top of that they have been coaching and preparing the next players who will take over as team captains once they graduate next semester.”
The Fitchburg team is the No. 1 seed entering the state championship round and have an undefeated 9-0 record. There were 47 teams that competed in the regular season league statewide to qualify for the 16-team postseason. Fitchburg won its first two playoff games on Dec. 1 and 5, setting up Thursday’s Final Four round at Helix.
“This is a tremendous opportunity for our community,” Fitchburg Athletic Director Todd Robbins said. “To have our student-athletes making a run toward the summit of their discipline is special and does not happen every day. It speaks to the hard work and dedication Cameron, Owen, and Julio have invested to hone their craft and the tremendous mentorship of coach Bray-Bustos.”
Esports is short for “electronic sports,” and transforms online gaming into a spectator sport. The experience is similar to watching a professional sporting event, except that instead of watching a physical event, spectators watch video gamers compete against each other in a virtual environment. Esports continues to gain popularity in the world, and the top players like Denmark’s Johan Sundstein, has earned over $7 million in his career as an esports gamer.
“Esports is the cutting edge of interscholastic athletics and activities offerings, and here at Fitchburg it is growing at a healthy rate,” Robbins said. “In education we talk often about meeting students where they are, esports is where a growing population of student-athletes want to be, and I am proud that we offer them the opportunity to represent the Red & Gray on this platform. Esports is another gateway through which students can open doors to post-secondary education opportunities and prepare themselves for challenging skills-based careers not just in high-tech, but across disciplines.”
The Peters brothers have been participating in esports for three years in a row and Guerrero Cano two.
The esports members at Fitchburg meet every day after school for practice, and have been doing so since Bray-Bustos started the program at the high school three years ago.
The players don’t just compete in Super Smash Brothers Ultimate, however.
“We also have competed in other titles like League of Legends, Rocket League and Overwatch,” Bray-Bustos said. “There are other titles offered as well, such as Madden, Mario Kart 8, Splatoon 2, and Hearthstone, but we have not had enough players commit to form teams for these other titles so far.”
Bray-Bustos says he enjoys coaching esports because it is something that he knows interests students who would normally not be interested in team sports and competition.
“Being one of those students myself many years ago, I wish I had had something like this available to me when I was in high school,” he said. “Especially considering the recruitment and college scholarship opportunities available for many of these titles.”
By CHAD GARNER | Special to the Sentinel & Enterprise
December 13, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.
From the Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations:
We will plan to have our 3rd meeting of the Fitchburg Public School's Safety Task Force on Wednesday, December 20 at 5:30 p.m. at Memorial Middle School in the library. There will be a virtual option as well. There will be pizza, beverages, and some other snacks.
Please complete this short Google Form if you plan to attend either in-person or virtually.
Google Form: https://forms.gle/fGFmXr2REs9ZzwjM6
Google Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/akm-hoqg-cxb
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a great weekend.
This Friday, December 15, 2023, is the end of the midway point for second quarter grades. The second quarter progress report grades will be provided to students on January 5, 2024.
We have two full weeks until December break. We are looking forward to having two great weeks to close out the calendar year. We have enjoyed a great start to the school year and we are looking forward to a great 2024.
Thank you to all of our families that attended conferences this past Wednesday.
Phone System at Fitchburg High School:
Our phone system at Fitchburg High School has been updated. We are working to have an updated extension list posted on our school website. We still have the same main office phone number. When you call our main number, there is a new greeting message that provides a list of options to connect to our school.
We thank you for your patience and apologize for any inconvenience you may have encountered contacting our school over the past few weeks.
AUP Form (Technology Agreement):
For families who have not yet returned the AUP Form, please return the form as soon as possible. We have sent messages to families who have not yet returned the form. Please email me if you have any questions or if you need an additional copy of the form (bragaj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us).
Fire Drill (December 7, 2023):
Students did an exceptional job during our Fire Drill on Thursday December 7, 2023. As a school, we practice our safety protocols throughout the school year.
Reminder (Cell-Phones):
Students are expected to place their cell phone in their backpack or cell phone pocket during class time.
The teacher will determine the specific procedure for the class. Students have access to their cell phones during transitions to the next classes and during breakfast and lunch.
Backpacks remain in the classroom during class time, unless needed for a health item, 504 Plan, IEP. Backpacks travel with students during transitions to the next classes.
Reminders (Absent and Tardy Notes):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Alicia Membrino (Grades 11 & 12): membrinoa@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Hector Surillo (Grades 9 & 10): surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Reminders (Dismissal):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Julie Membrino (Front Office Secretary): membrinoj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday December 11 - Day 5
E Period is the first class of the day
School Committee Meeting at 6:00pm, streamed on FATV
Tuesday December 12 - Day 6
F Period is the first class of the day
Boys Varsity, JV, Freshman Basketball vs South High @ South High
Wednesday December 13 - Day 1
A Period is the first class of the day
Boys Varsity Hockey vs. Gardner @ Gardner
Varsity Indoor Track vs 6 teams @ FHS
Thursday December 14 - Day 2
B Period is the first class of the day
Hanover Theater Field Trip
Friday December 15 - Day 3
C Period is the first class of the day
Advisory Day
Gear Up - Job Corps Field Trip
Longsjo Middle School Field Trip
Wreaths Across America
Girls Varsity, JV Basketball vs. Marlborough @ FHS
Saturday December 16
Boys Varsity Hockey vs. Boston Latin @ Dorchester
Sunday December 17
Boys JV Hockey vs. Oakmont @ Wallace Civic Center
Have a great week and thank you,
Dr. Braga
Bus 33: On Friday afternoon, 12/01/2023, there was an incident outside the first bus stop. FHS administration were informed and were able to look into the incident.
Bus 51A: On Monday afternoon, 12/04/2023, there was an incident on the bus. The bus briefly returned to the school and FHS administration were able to look into the incident.
Good Morning Fitchburg High School Families:
As a reminder, today is a half-day and students will be dismissed from school at 11:30am.
For families who chose in-person conferences today, there will be staff near the main entrance to support families in getting to their student's classrooms.
Below is the previous message around conferences, if you have not yet scheduled conferences with your student's teachers.
Conferences: December 6, 2023
Conferences at Fitchburg High School will be on December 6, 2023.
Conferences are in two sessions: Afternoon (12:00pm to 2:00pm) and Evening (4:00pm to 6:00pm). Each teacher conference is 10 minutes in length.
Afternoon Conferences:
12:00pm to 1:00pm (Online conferences)
1:00pm to 2:00pm (In-Person Conferences at Fitchburg High School)
Evening Conferences:
4:00pm to 5:00pm (Online conferences)
5:00pm to 6:00pm (In-Person Conferences at Fitchburg High School)
Please use the link below to schedule conferences with your student's teachers.
Follow the directions below to get to the Parent Teacher Conference Scheduler.
Sign In
Enter your email address and push the "Next" button. A prompt will pop up to click to register. Enter your name and create a password.
Once you login you should see an event titled 2023 Fall FHS Parent/Teacher Conferences and click on the title. Enter your child’s name and birthdate following the two digit mm/dd/yy format. If you need to add another student, click on the Manage Students icon. For each student enter in the two prompts that your school requires and click Add Student. Continue this step for as many students you need to schedule for.
Select Students
Once you have your student(s) listed in the Students section, check the box next to each student's name and press the "Next Step" button.
Select Teachers
Check the box next to the names of the teacher(s) you'd like to book appointments with. Once you have finished, select "Filter Slots".
Each square with a plus sign represents an available meeting time.
Click on a square to book that time.
Click "Create Appointment".
After booking you will see a green bar that says "RETURN TO BOOKING". Click on it to continue booking.
Repeat until you have a time with each teacher you'd like to visit with.
You can click on the "Printable Schedule" link located on the left-hand side to print a copy of your schedule.
If you want to make appointment changes or cancel your appointment click on the "My Appointments" link on the left hand side. On the right side of each appointment you will see three dots. Hover your mouse to see available change options.
Virtual Appointments
When choosing a virtual appointment, before your allotted time an email will be sent with a link to a google meet room.
If you have any questions, please email our SIMS Secretary Ms. Loepere-Smith (loepereg@fitchburg.k12.ma.us), or please call Fitchburg High School.
We look forward to seeing you at conferences.
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
Announcing the Leadership Next Gen Fellowship Program. A part-time paid fellowship opportunity for high school and college students from underrepresented communities of color. The timeframe is January - June 2024.
The application deadline is December 9, 2023.
Ideal candidates include students with an interest or background in student government, civic engagement, community organizing, issue advocacy and activism, as well as those involved in ethnic clubs, DEI work, and leadership initiatives. We welcome applications from diverse backgrounds and experiences.
The CARE Coalition is proud to announce the launch of the 2024 Leadership Next Gen paid fellowship program (LNG). The Leadership Next Gen Fellowship is a collaborative initiative by the Coalition for Anti-Racism and Equity (CARE) and Commonwealth Seminar. It is designed for high school and college students (referred to as fellows) hailing from underrepresented communities of color. The program aims to equip them with essential civic engagement and leadership skills, fostering community engagement and offering hands-on experience in the offices of elected officials. Applicants must be between 16 and 25 years old. The application process is now open. Please submit your application here.
The summary 1-page flyer describing the program is attached.
Testimony by a fellowship alumnae:
“This program was a transformative journey for me, providing unparalleled opportunities in civic engagement and public policy. The skills, mentorship, and networks I gained have been instrumental in my growth as a community leader and advocate.”
And a short video clip from the 2023 Spring LNG class graduation is here:
More information can be found on our website:
Feel free to contact us at contact@care4equity.org.
Coalition for Anti-Racism and Equity (CARE)
Teach Us History. All of It!

Our "Fitchburg Flyers" attended their first Aerial Drone Competition this Sunday! All our teams made the semi-finals with one team making the final round!
Unfortunately, we didn't win the day but we learned a lot and are feeling super prepared for our next event!
We did win the Judges Choice trophy for our team efforts and quick progress!
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a great weekend.
This Wednesday (December 6, 2023) is a half-day. Students will be dismissed at 11:30am.
Conferences: December 6, 2023:
Conferences at Fitchburg High School will be on December 6, 2023.
Conferences are in two sessions: Afternoon (12:00pm to 2:00pm) and Evening (4:00pm to 6:00pm). Each teacher conference is 10 minutes in length.
Afternoon Conferences:
12:00pm to 1:00pm (Online conferences)
1:00pm to 2:00pm (In-Person Conferences at Fitchburg High School)
Evening Conferences:
4:00pm to 5:00pm (Online conferences)
5:00pm to 6:00pm (In-Person Conferences at Fitchburg High School)
Please use the link below to schedule conferences with your student's teachers.
Follow the directions below to get to the Parent Teacher Conference Scheduler.
Sign In
Enter your email address and push the "Next" button. A prompt will pop up to click to register. Enter your name and create a password.
Once you login you should see an event titled 2023 Fall FHS Parent/Teacher Conferences and click on the title. Enter your child’s name and birthdate following the two digit mm/dd/yy format. If you need to add another student, click on the Manage Students icon. For each student enter in the two prompts that your school requires and click Add Student. Continue this step for as many students you need to schedule for.
Select Students
Once you have your student(s) listed in the Students section, check the box next to each student's name and press the "Next Step" button.
Select Teachers
Check the box next to the names of the teacher(s) you'd like to book appointments with. Once you have finished, select "Filter Slots".
Each square with a plus sign represents an available meeting time.
Click on a square to book that time.
Click "Create Appointment".
After booking you will see a green bar that says "RETURN TO BOOKING". Click on it to continue booking.
Repeat until you have a time with each teacher you'd like to visit with.
You can click on the "Printable Schedule" link located on the left-hand side to print a copy of your schedule.
If you want to make appointment changes or cancel your appointment click on the "My Appointments" link on the left hand side. On the right side of each appointment you will see three dots. Hover your mouse to see available change options.
Virtual Appointments
When choosing a virtual appointment, before your allotted time an email will be sent with a link to a google meet room.
If you have any questions, please email our SIMS Secretary Ms. Loepere-Smith (loepereg@fitchburg.k12.ma.us), or please call Fitchburg High School.
Grade 12 Pictures:
The final days for the Grade 12 Pictures are 12/04/2023 and 12/05/2023.
Reminder (Cell-Phones):
Students are expected to place their cell phone in their backpack or cell phone pocket during class time.
The teacher will determine the specific procedure for the class. Students have access to their cell phones during transitions to the next classes and during breakfast and lunch.
Backpacks remain in the classroom during class time, unless needed for a health item, 504 Plan, IEP. Backpacks travel with students during transitions to the next classes.
Reminders (Absent and Tardy Notes):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Alicia Membrino (Grades 11 & 12): membrinoa@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Hector Surillo (Grades 9 & 10): surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Reminders (Dismissal):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Julie Membrino (Front Office Secretary): membrinoj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, 12/4, Day 6
F Period is the first class of the day
GearUp Field Trip - MassArt
Girls Varsity Basketball vs. Nashoba @ Nashoba
Tuesday, 12/5, Day 1
A Period is the first class of the day
NHS Induction Ceremony, 5:30pm
Wednesday, 12/6, Day 2
B Period is the first class of the day
Half Day, Parent-Teacher Conferences 12-2, 4-6
Boys Varsity, JV Basketball vs. Frontier Regional @ FHS
Boys Varsity Hockey vs. Dracut @ Dracut
Thursday, 12/7, Day 3
C Period is the first class of the day
Friday, 12/8, Day 4
D Period is the first class of the day
Asian-American Club Movie Night
Boys Varsity, JV Basketball vs. Westborough @ Westborough
Girls Varsity Basketball vs. North High School @ FHS
Saturday, 12/9
ACT Testing
Boys Varsity Hockey vs. Oakmont @ Wallace Civic Center
Thank you and have a great week,
Dr. Braga
Conferences: December 6, 2023
Good Afternoon:
Conferences at Fitchburg High School will be on December 6, 2023.
Conferences are in two sessions: Afternoon (12:00pm to 2:00pm) and Evening (4:00pm to 6:00pm). Each teacher conference is 10 minutes in length.
Afternoon Conferences:
12:00pm to 1:00pm (Online conferences)
1:00pm to 2:00pm (In-Person Conferences at Fitchburg High School)
Evening Conferences:
4:00pm to 5:00pm (Online conferences)
5:00pm to 6:00pm (In-Person Conferences at Fitchburg High School)
Please use the link below to schedule conferences with your student's teachers.
Follow the directions below to get to the Parent Teacher Conference Scheduler.
Sign In
Enter your email address and push the "Next" button. A prompt will pop up to click to register. Enter your name and create a password.
Once you login you should see an event titled 2023 Fall FHS Parent/Teacher Conferences and click on the title. Enter your child’s name and birthdate following the two digit mm/dd/yy format. If you need to add another student, click on the Manage Students icon. For each student enter in the two prompts that your school requires and click Add Student. Continue this step for as many students you need to schedule for.
Select Students
Once you have your student(s) listed in the Students section, check the box next to each student's name and press the "Next Step" button.
Select Teachers
Check the box next to the names of the teacher(s) you'd like to book appointments with. Once you have finished, select "Filter Slots".
Each square with a plus sign represents an available meeting time.
Click on a square to book that time.
Click "Create Appointment".
After booking you will see a green bar that says "RETURN TO BOOKING". Click on it to continue booking.
Repeat until you have a time with each teacher you'd like to visit with.
You can click on the "Printable Schedule" link located on the left-hand side to print a copy of your schedule.
If you want to make appointment changes or cancel your appointment click on the "My Appointments" link on the left hand side. On the right side of each appointment you will see three dots. Hover your mouse to see available change options.
Virtual Appointments
When choosing a virtual appointment, before your allotted time an email will be sent with a link to a google meet room.
If you have any questions, please email our SIMS Secretary Ms. Loepere-Smith (loepereg@fitchburg.k12.ma.us), or please call Fitchburg High School.
We look forward to seeing you at conferences.
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
Conferencias: 6 de diciembre de 2023
Buenas tardes:
Las conferencias en Fitchburg High School serán el 6 de diciembre de 2023.
Las conferencias se desarrollan en dos sesiones: Tarde (de 12:00 a 14:00 horas) y Tarde (de 16:00 a 18:00 horas). Cada conferencia de maestros tiene una duración de 10 minutos.
Conferencias de la tarde:
12:00 a 13:00 (Conferencias online)
1:00 p.m. a 2:00 p.m. (Conferencias en persona en Fitchburg High School)
Conferencias nocturnas:
16:00 a 17:00 (Conferencias online)
5:00 p.m. a 6:00 p.m. (Conferencias en persona en Fitchburg High School)
Utilice el enlace a continuación para programar conferencias con los maestros de su estudiante.
Siga las instrucciones a continuación para llegar al Programador de conferencias de padres y maestros.
Iniciar sesión
Ingrese su dirección de correo electrónico y presione el botón "Siguiente". Aparecerá un mensaje emergente para hacer clic para registrarse. Ingrese su nombre y cree una contraseña.
Una vez que inicie sesión, debería ver un evento titulado Conferencias de padres y maestros de FHS de otoño de 2023 y hacer clic en el título. Ingrese el nombre y la fecha de nacimiento de su hijo siguiendo el formato de dos dígitos mm/dd/aa. Si necesita agregar otro estudiante, haga clic en el ícono Administrar estudiantes. Para cada estudiante, ingrese las dos indicaciones que requiere su escuela y haga clic en Agregar estudiante. Continúe este paso para todos los estudiantes que necesite programar.
Seleccionar estudiantes
Una vez que haya incluido a sus estudiantes en la sección Estudiantes, marque la casilla junto al nombre de cada estudiante y presione el botón "Siguiente paso".
Seleccionar profesores
Marque la casilla junto a los nombres de los profesores con los que desea reservar citas. Una vez que haya terminado, seleccione "Ranuras de filtro".
Cada cuadrado con un signo más representa un tiempo de reunión disponible.
Haz clic en una plaza para reservar esa hora.
Haga clic en "Crear cita".
Después de reservar verás una barra verde que dice "REGRESAR A LA RESERVA". Haz clic en él para continuar reservando.
Repita hasta que tenga un tiempo con cada maestro que le gustaría visitar.
Puede hacer clic en el enlace "Horario imprimible" ubicado en el lado izquierdo para imprimir una copia de su horario.
Si desea realizar cambios en la cita o cancelarla, haga clic en el enlace "Mis citas" en el lado izquierdo. En el lado derecho de cada cita verá tres puntos. Pase el mouse para ver las opciones de cambio disponibles.
Citas virtuales
Al elegir una cita virtual, antes de la hora asignada se enviará un correo electrónico con un enlace a una sala de reuniones de Google.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, envíe un correo electrónico a nuestra secretaria de SIMS, la Sra. Loepere-Smith (loepereg@fitchburg.k12.ma.us), o llame a Fitchburg High School.
Esperamos verlo en las conferencias.
Dr. Braga
Conferências: 6 de dezembro de 2023
Boa tarde:
As conferências na Fitchburg High School serão em 6 de dezembro de 2023.
As conferências decorrem em duas sessões: Tarde (das 12h00 às 14h00) e Tarde (das 16h00 às 18h00). Cada conferência de professores dura 10 minutos.
Palestras da tarde:
12h00 às 13h00 (conferências online)
13:00. às 14h00 (Aulas presenciais na Fitchburg High School)
Conferências noturnas:
16h00 às 17h00 (conferências online)
17:00. às 18h00 (Aulas presenciais na Fitchburg High School)
Use o link abaixo para agendar conferências com os professores de seus alunos.
Siga as instruções abaixo para acessar o Agendador da Conferência de Pais e Professores.
Iniciar sessão
Digite seu endereço de e-mail e pressione o botão “Avançar”. Uma mensagem pop-up aparecerá para clicar para se registrar. Digite seu nome e crie uma senha.
Depois de fazer login, você verá um evento intitulado Conferências de pais e professores da FHS no outono de 2023 e clique no título. Digite o nome e a data de nascimento do seu filho seguindo o formato de dois dígitos mm/dd/aa. Se precisar adicionar outro aluno, clique no ícone Gerenciar Alunos. Para cada aluno, insira os dois prompts exigidos pela escola e clique em Adicionar aluno. Continue esta etapa para todos os alunos que você precisa agendar.
Selecione os alunos
Depois de listar seus alunos na seção Alunos, marque a caixa ao lado do nome de cada aluno e pressione o botão “Próxima etapa”.
Selecione professores
Marque a caixa ao lado dos nomes dos professores com os quais deseja agendar horários. Quando terminar, selecione “Slots de filtro”.
Cada quadrado com um sinal de mais representa um horário de reunião disponível.
Clique em um local para reservar esse horário.
Clique em “Criar compromisso”.
Após a reserva você verá uma barra verde que diz "RETORNO À RESERVA". Clique nele para continuar reservando.
Repita até ter tempo com cada professor que gostaria de visitar.
Você pode clicar no link "Agenda para impressão" localizado no lado esquerdo para imprimir uma cópia de sua programação.
Se quiser fazer alterações no agendamento ou cancelá-lo, clique no link "Meus agendamentos" no lado esquerdo. No lado direito de cada citação você verá três pontos. Passe o mouse para ver as opções de alteração disponíveis.
Compromissos virtuais
Ao escolher um compromisso virtual, um e-mail com link para uma sala de reuniões do Google será enviado antes do horário designado.
Se você tiver alguma dúvida, envie um e-mail para nossa secretária do SIMS, Sra. Loepere-Smith (loepereg@fitchburg.k12.ma.us), ou chamo Fitchburg High School.
Esperamos vê-lo nas conferências.
Dr. Braga
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday.
We would like to thank everyone who came out to Fenway Park this past Wednesday, as well as everyone who supported the team by watching the game on FATV. This was a great experience for our students, families, staff, and community.
Fitchburg High School did win the Turkey Day Canned Food Drive Challenge on Wednesday. FHS collected more canned foods than LHS to win the challenge.
Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences (December 6, 2023):
Conferences will be held on Wednesday December 6, 2023. This will also be an early dismissal day. Students will be dismissed from school at 11:30am on December 6, 2023.
There will be two sessions for the conferences: Afternoon (12:00pm to 2:00pm) and Evening (4:00pm to 6:00pm). The conferences will be by appointment. Each conference will be in 10 minute increments. There will be an in-person and an online option for the conferences.
By Wednesday of this week, I will send out further information on how to schedule appointments with your student's teachers for the December 6, 2023 conferences.
Report Cards:
Report Cards were provided to students on Wednesday November 22, 2023. If you have any questions or concerns about your student's report card, please send me an email (bragaj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us).
Grade 12 Pictures:
The final days for the Grade 12 Pictures are 12/04/2023 and 12/05/2023.
Grade 12 Cap and Gown Meeting:
Dr. Rintoul, Grade 12 Assistant Principal, will conduct a cap and gown meeting with Grade 12 students on Thursday (November 30, 2023) morning. Dr. Rintoul will call down Grade 12 students on Thursday morning to attend the meeting. The meeting will take place in the auditorium from 8:30am to 9:15am.
Reminder (Cell-Phones):
Students are expected to place their cell phone in their backpack or cell phone pocket during class time.
The teacher will determine the specific procedure for the class. Students have access to their cell phones during transitions to the next classes and during breakfast and lunch.
Backpacks remain in the classroom during class time, unless needed for a health item, 504 Plan, IEP. Backpacks travel with students during transitions to the next classes.
Reminders (Absent and Tardy Notes):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Alicia Membrino (Grades 11 & 12): membrinoa@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Hector Surillo (Grades 9 & 10): surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Reminders (Dismissal):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Julie Membrino (Front Office Secretary): membrinoj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, 11/27, Day 1
Period A is the first class of the day
Tuesday, 11/28, Day 2
Period B is the first class of the day
Gear Up - Salem State
Wednesday, 11/29, Day 3
Period C is the first class of the day
Gear Up - W.A.M.
9th and 10th grade HA to FSU
Thursday, 11/30, Day 4
Period D is the first class of the day
Gear Up - Salem State
Mount Wachusett Community College Field Trip
Senior Cap and Gown Presentation (8:30am to 9:15am in the Auditorium)
Friday, 12/1, Day 5
Period E is the first class of the day
Advisory Day
UMass Lowell Field Trip
All School Play - Holiday Channel Christmas Movie Wonderthon
Saturday, 12/2
Varsity Hockey vs. Hudson @ Wallace Civic Center
All School Play - Holiday Channel Christmas Movie Wonderthon
Have a great week and thank you,
Dr. Braga
Help brighten the holidays for our children in need by donating toys, clothes, money or a gift cards for students in grades K-12.
All items for this toy drive can be dropped off at the Fitchburg Fire Department (33 North Street) from
9 a.m. to 7 p.m. through December 11.
For more information contact Luisa Fernandez (978) 956-3140 or fernandezl@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Ayude a alegrar las fiestas a nuestros niños necesitados donando juguetes, ropa, dinero o tarjetas de regalo para estudiantes de los grados K-12.
Todos los artículos para esta colecta de juguetes se pueden dejar en el Departamento de Bomberos de Fitchburg (33 North Street) de 9 a.m. a 7 p.m. hasta el 11 de Diciembre.
Para más información, póngase en contacto con Luisa Fernández (978) 956-3140 o fernandezl@fitchburg.k12.ma.us


Good Afternoon FHS Families:
We hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Our Band did amazing work during our Battle of the Bands event earlier today at Fitchburg High School.
This week is a three-day week. Wednesday (November 22, 2023) is a half-day and students will be dismissed at 11:30am. In observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday, there will be no school on Thursday (November 23, 2023) and Friday (November 24, 2023). We hope everyone has a happy and healthy holiday!
The image to the right is the schedule for Wednesday (November 22, 2023). Additionally, Report Cards for Quarter 1 will be distributed to students on Wednesday. We will also have our Pep Rally on Wednesday.
Tomorrow, I will send out a communication about the logistics for the Thanksgiving Football Game at Fenway Park.
Reminder (Cell-Phones):
Students are expected to place their cell phone in their backpack or cell phone pocket during class time.
The teacher will determine the specific procedure for the class. Students have access to their cell phones during transitions to the next classes and during breakfast and lunch.
Backpacks remain in the classroom during class time, unless needed for a health item, 504 Plan, IEP. Backpacks travel with students during transitions to the next classes.
Reminders (Absent and Tardy Notes):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Alicia Membrino (Grades 11 & 12): membrinoa@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Hector Surillo (Grades 9 & 10): surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Reminders (Dismissal):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Julie Membrino (Front Office Secretary): membrinoj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, 11/20 - Day 4
D Period is the first class of the day
Picture Re-takes
Senior Photos
Tuesday, 11/21 - Day 5
E Period is the first class of the day
Senior Photos
Food Drive Ends
Wednesday, 11/22 - Day 6
Half Day: Dismissal at 11:30am
F Period is the first class of the day
Report Cards Issued
Pep Rally
Football Game vs. Leominster at Fenway Park
Thursday, 11/23 - Thanksgiving Day, No School
Friday, 11/24 - No School

Fresh Films:
Application deadline NOVEMBER 27th at freshfilms.org/weeklyfilmmaking
Hey students - if you think you might want to direct, write or edit music videos, films or TV shows... then maybe check out joining Fresh Films. It runs on Tues/Thurs at The Spanish American Center. It's a free program and you don't need previous film experience. You'll also work with pros from Sony, Roku, American Idol and more (great for college & job resumes). It starts Nov 28th. Learn more and sign up here freshfilms.org/weeklyfilmmaking

Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
Please see the information below, as well as the attachments to the right for information about our MCAS Biology Support Program.
Any student who will be taking the Biology MCAS exam this year is welcome to attend.
Program Details:
When: 2:15pm to 3:30pm
Where: Fitchburg High School
Every Tuesday in Room 204
Every Wednesday in Room 209
The program starts on November 28, 2023

Good Afternoon FHS Families:
We hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
Monday is the first day of the second quarter. Thank you for your support in making the first quarter a great experience for the students and faculty.
Attendance Policy, NCs (No Credit) for course grades:
Within the current attendance policy, students with more than 4 unexcused absences will receive NCs (No Credit) for course grades. Please have your child bring in notes for any absence that should be excused. Additionally, Assistant Principals will be meeting with students that have more than 4 unexcused absences, in the first quarter, to review our buy-back procedure. The buy-back procedure allows students to remove unexcused absences if they attend after-school or Saturday school conference sessions.
There are further details around the attendance and buy-back policies in our student handbook and on the daily announcements section of our website.
Math MCAS Re-Take Exam:
The Math MCAS Re-Take Exam will take place this week. The students taking this exam have been notified.
Food Drive:
Please see the attached flyer with details on our Food Drive. Please see below for further details as well.
HISTORY and TRADITION: The annual Thanksgiving Can Drive is back! If you are new to FHS, this is an annual event/competition run through the Student Council at FHS & the Student Council at Leominster HS. Each school has 10 days to gather as many non-perishables as possible. At the Thanksgiving Day football game, both principals meet on the 50 at halftime and present a sealed envelope that is opened to determine which school reigns supreme! It might look a little different at Fenway, but the good-spirited competition is still on!
HOW DO I GET INVOLVED?: FHS has won the competition nine times over the past eleven years, so let’s get it done for a great cause! Most importantly, the Fitchburg proceeds go to our Red Raider Pantry and Our Father's House. Dates that we will collect items and take donations will be from Tuesday, November 7th - Tuesday, November 21st. All non-perishables can be brought to the FHS Main Office and/or Mrs. Morand’s room (325). The Student Council has a Venmo account and cash donations are always welcome, too. All cash donations go directly to our Red Raider Pantry. Information on the Venmo account is in the attachment.
Breakfast for the Bands:
The Breakfast for the Bands is an incredible community event presented jointly by the Rotary Clubs of Fitchburg and Leominster. Although tied to our historic rivalry, this event is all about supporting the bands and is one of the largest community performances. 750-1000 people from our two communities turn up to hear the Fitchburg and the Leominster bands play.
Fitchburg is hosting the Breakfast on Sunday November 19th from 8:00am-11:30am at Fitchburg High School. Our band will be playing a unique set of music every hour, first combined with Leominster at 8:00am, then at 9:00am, 10:00am, and finally at 11:00am.
*Note: the attachment has the event ending at 11:00am. The event will go to 11:30am.
Tickets for the Breakfast can be purchased from any band student, at the door, and by using the QR code in the attachment. Additionally, you may purchase a ticket in our main office at Fitchburg High School.
Class Flag Football Games:
Our annual class flag football games will take place on Wednesday, November 15th, at Crocker Field beginning at 5:30 pm.
Game 1-Class of 2027 girls vs. Class of 2026 girls
Game 2-Class of 2025 girls vs. Class of 2024 girls
Game 3-Class of 2024 coed team vs. Faculty coed team
Reminder (Cell-Phones):
Students are expected to place their cell phone in their backpack or cell phone pocket during class time.
The teacher will determine the specific procedure for the class. Students have access to their cell phones during transitions to the next classes and during breakfast and lunch.
Backpacks remain in the classroom during class time, unless needed for a health item, 504 Plan, IEP. Backpacks travel with students during transitions to the next classes.
Reminders (Absent and Tardy Notes):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Alicia Membrino (Grades 11 & 12): membrinoa@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Hector Surillo (Grades 9 & 10): surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Reminders (Dismissal):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Julie Membrino (Front Office Secretary): membrinoj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday 11/13 - Day 5
E period is the first class of the day
Quarter 2 begins
Tuesday 11/14 - Day 6
F period is the first class of the day
Math MCAS retest
GearUP field trip -MWCC
UMass - Amherst Field Trip
Wednesday 11/15 - Day 1
A period is the first class of the day
Math MCAS retest
Class Flag Football 5:30 @ Crocker Field
Band at Salvation Army
Thursday 11/16 - Day 2
B period is the first class of the day
GearUp field trip - Empire Beauty & NE Hair
Friday 11/17 - Day 3
C period is the first class of the day
Advisory Day
Saturday 11/18
Robotics Competition
Sunday 11/19
Breakfast for the Bands
Have a great week and thank you,
Dr. Braga


Good Afternoon:
Last night, the school committee did not approve the adjustments to the FHS Attendance Policy.
The current policy below will remain in effect. The policy is also in our student handbook on our website. I will have an opportunity in December to resubmit the new policy for approval with suggested edits from the School Committee.
Please feel free to send me an email directly if you have any questions (bragaj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us).
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
(Attendance Policy: Adopted May 1, 2023 by School Committee)
One of the keys to academic achievement is good attendance. Consistent participation in school and school-based activities is important for making a successful transition from youth to adulthood. Parents and guardians, as well as students themselves, have the legal responsibility to ensure that attendance at school is regular and timely. Under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, "Every child between the ages of 7 and 16 is compelled to attend school". At Fitchburg High School, students 16 years of age or older are also expected to conform to the same rules of attendance. If a school identifies a student who is exhibiting an attendance problem, which includes tardiness, the school is required by law to address that problem. This could be as simple as notifying the parent or guardian and working together to improve that student's attendance. In extreme instances, however, it may require the school to solicit assistance from the Court or the Department of Children and Families (“DCF”).
Regular attendance and punctuality are absolute necessities in attaining an education. The following attendance policy is recorded which provides the maximum opportunity for students to acquire a meaningful education.
Attendance Incentives: FHS will employ a series of quarterly attendance incentives to promote positive school wide attendance. Activities could include raffles, breakfasts, certificates, t-shirts, and other ideas initiated by students and faculty. Quarterly Pep Rallies and other events will be announced throughout the year to promote positive attendance.
Attendance Rule: The requirements for the receipt of a Fitchburg High School diploma include an acceptable level of attendance in a Fitchburg Public School secondary level educational program. Exceptions to attendance criteria can be made only by the Assistant Principal pursuant to a transcript review. This attendance policy is in conjunction with a student successfully passing all necessary academic subjects and achieving the minimum credits needed for a diploma. Students and parents may file appeals with the Principal in a timely manner.
Tardiness to School: All students must report to their first period class for attendance every day. Students arriving after the official start time of 7:30 will need to report to the appropriate office to get a tardy pass. If a student arrives 20 minutes late to class with an unexcused tardy pass will result in an unexcused absence for that class. A pattern of tardiness will result in disciplinary action. Five unexcused tardies will equal 1 unexcused absence that will not be eligible for the attendance “buy-back” process. (Detention, Raider Saturday School, Loss of parking privileges, In-house intervention, Suspension, Loss of credits, other appropriate consequences as deemed necessary by members of administration).
Attendance Waiver: A student may apply directly to administration for a waiver for one or more absences.
Excused absence days may be for any of the following reasons:
Death in the family
Religious holidays
Authorized school sponsored activities and related activities
Illness - A doctor's note must verify that the doctor saw the student in the office on the day(s) absent from school or specify the dates the student needed to remain at home for a medical issue. All documentation for waivers, including doctor's notes, must be on file in the Assistant Principal’s Office within five school days after the student returns to school.
In the event of a pandemic, such as the H1N1 influenza, other credible evidence may, at the discretion of the building administrator or one's designee, be accepted in lieu of a doctor’s note in support of a waiver of unexcused absence from School.
Court appearances
College visits (approved by administration)
Military obligations
Other reasons as deemed appropriate by administration
Attendance at School Functions: Students who are absent from school during the day are not eligible to attend school functions in the afternoon or evening unless specifically approved by administration. For the purpose of participation in school-sponsored events, a student is recorded absent from school if arriving after 10:55 a.m. or dismissed prior to 10:55 a.m. If the student is absent on the last day of school prior to a weekend event, this rule will be enforced. This applies to practices, competitions, meetings, games, and interscholastic events. Administration can excuse absences for purposes of participation.
Attendance Buy-Back Procedure: The “Buy-Back” policy allows a student the opportunity to “buy-back” TWO of unexcused absence days each quarter according to the following guidelines:
Meet with an assigned guidance counselor to review attendance and academic status prior to initiating the buy-back process with your assistant principal.
Receive buy-back form from Assistant Principal and show form to each of your teachers for initialing on the first day.
Attend school for five consecutive days without incurring any tardiness and/or behavioral referrals.
On the fifth day, have each teacher re-sign the form, verifying your attendance and class work.
Return the form at the end of the fifth day to the Assistant Principal's office.
If the student successfully fulfills the above guidelines, a one-day waiver will be granted.
Loss of Course Credit due to Absenteeism: A student with a passing grade and five (5) unexcused absences in a quarter, nine (9+) absences in a semester, or more than sixteen (16+) absences in a yearlong course will be in jeopardy of losing all credits for that course (No Credit “NC”) unless the student participates in the school’s academic/attendance recovery program (Buy-Back) which take place during school, after school and during Saturday Schools. Students will be eligible for attendance buy-back and credit recovery; however, class cuts and/or tardiness can disqualify a student for attendance buy-back/credit recovery. Students who pass the course but exceed the attendance policy for a quarter will receive an “NC” grade on the report card. Students must buy back their credit by the end of the following marking period. For example, a student who needs to buy back credit from 1st quarter must complete the credit recovery by the end of 2nd quarter. If the student fails to buy back the grade within the designated time period established by the administrator, the grade will be changed to “NC” for No Credit and the student will earn a 59 average for that quarter. All credit recovery for 4th quarter must be completed before final exams for 4th quarter. The credit recovery option does not extend into the following school year. Students who pass the course but lose credit due to attendance will be required to make-up the course in Summer Credit Recovery or through their regular school schedule by taking the course or a comparable course over; however, the student will not be eligible for Online Credit Recovery that occurs after school hours during the school year.
Class Cut Procedure: In order to address class cuts in a timely and immediate manner, the following process will be in effect. As noted, class cuts disqualify students from the ability to participate in credit recovery activities and may result in a zero (0) grade for that class period’s assessments.
First cut: Teacher conference with student
Second cut: Teacher Consequence + documented parent/guardian communication
Third cut: Referral to administration
Tardiness to Class: Tardiness to class, without permission, is prohibited. The teacher is responsible for the enforcement of this rule and for determining an appropriate disciplinary action: teacher sessions/detention, parent meeting, calls home, etc. The student may be referred to the Assistant Principal.
Signing Out of Class/Passes: All students must have a teacher assigned pass when in the corridor during non-passing time. Students must report to their regularly assigned class first before signing out to go anywhere. Students using the library or computer lab must first report to the teacher assigning the project and receive a research pass. Upon arrival in the library or computer lab, students must clearly sign the attendance sheet. No student may leave the library or computer lab during a period without getting approval, signing out, and having a FHS hall pass.
Dismissal from School: Parental contact by telephone and/or note is necessary for every dismissal. Dismissal slips will be issued from the Assistant Principal's or Nurse's office at the beginning of school. Office or public telephones are not to be used for the purpose of "last minute" dismissals, unless there is an emergency. A reason for dismissal must always be given, and will be limited to the following:
Family emergency
Legal or medical appointments that cannot be made outside school hours (you should bring a note back from the person that you saw.)
Students’ age 18 or older and living independently may vouch for their own dismissal. The Administration will make the final determination on all dismissals.
Consecutive Absence/Sixteen (16) years or older: In Section 18 of Chapter 7 (G.L.c.76,§18), No student who has not graduated from high school shall be considered to have permanently left public school unless an administrator of the school which the student last attended has sent notice within a period of 5 days from the student's tenth consecutive absence to the student and the parent or guardian of that student in both the primary language of the parent or guardian, to the extent practicable, and English. The notice shall initially offer at least 2 dates and times for an exit interview between the superintendent, or a designee, and the student and the parent or guardian of the student to occur prior to the student permanently leaving school and shall include contact information for scheduling the exit interview. The notice shall indicate that the parties shall agree upon a date and time for the exit interview, and that interview shall occur within 10 days after the sending of the notice. The time for the exit interview may be extended at the request of the parent or guardian and no extension shall be for longer than 14 days. The superintendent, or a designee, may proceed with any such interview without a parent or guardian if the superintendent, or a designee, makes a good faith effort to include the parent or guardian. The exit interview shall be for the purpose of discussing the reasons for the student permanently leaving school and to consider alternative education or other placements.
School districts may initiate a FACES (Families and Children Engaged in Services) with the juvenile court. Under M.G.L. c.76, §2, the school district may take action with the juvenile court for any child between the ages of 6 and up to 16 who has more than seven unexcused absences within a six month period. When excused absences become suspect, and are developing a pattern, the school will take steps to ascertain the reason by requesting medical notes and conducting home visits. When internal school intervention efforts fail to resolve a truancy or habitual school offender, Under the law, the Court has access to all school information relative to the student.
Legal Information Regarding Truancy and Attendance
School Attendance: M.G.L. c. 76, 1 states that all children between the ages of six and sixteen must attend school. A school district may excuse up to seven day sessions or fourteen half day sessions in any period of six months. In addition to this law, each school may have its own attendance policy with which parents/guardians should be familiar.
Notification and Contact Information: M.G.L. c. 76, 1A states that parents/guardians must be provided each year with the instructions for calling a designated phone number at a designated time to inform the school of the absence of a student and the reason for the absence. In addition, parents/guardians must provide the school with a home, work or other emergency telephone number so that they may be contacted during the school day so the school may call and inquire about said absence.
Supervisor of Attendance: M.G.L. c. 76, 19 states that each school committee must employ a supervisor of attendance. A supervisor of attendance has the power to apprehend and take to school any child who is truant and is required to investigate all cases where a child in the district fails to attend school.
Child Requiring Assistance (“CRA”) Application: The Children in Need of Services (“CHINS”) law has been changed to Families and Children Engaged in Services (“FACES”). This modification impacts schools with regard to the filing of FACES applications. A “CRA” (Child Requiring Assistance) application may be filed in court by a school district if a school-aged child who is “habitually truant,” that is, who willfully fails to attend school for more than eight school days in a quarter, or who repeatedly fails to obey the lawful and reasonable regulations of his or her school. The Court’s authority pursuant to a CRA petition includes the power to place the child in the custody of DCF.
Mandated Reporting: A 51A is a report of suspected child abuse or neglect that is filed with the DCF. A report can be filed on behalf of a child under the age of eighteen for educational neglect if a child is not attending school on a regular basis.
Parental Responsibility: Parents or guardians are legally responsible for ensuring that a child under their control attends school daily. It is a crime for a responsible parent or guardian not to cause such a child to attend school. If a child fails to attend school for seven day sessions or fourteen half day sessions within any six month period, the supervisor of attendance may file a criminal complaint in court against the responsible parent/guardian.
Inducing Absences: It is a crime to induce or attempt to induce a minor to miss school, or unlawfully to employ or to harbor a minor who should be in school.
Appointments, Vacations, etc
Parents should schedule doctor, dentist, and other appointments outside of school hours. Likewise, vacations or other family trips should be taken during school vacation times and not during school hours. Parents are advised that, as set forth above, the law requires that children attend school and also limits the number of days absent that the district can excuse.
Our Cheer program delivered a wonderful performance yesterday in the Game Day Cheer division at Marlborough High School.
The team showed the Mid Wach League their Red & Gray Spirit and earned 2nd Place in the division.
The team now qualifies for Regionals this Sunday November 12th at Shrewsbury High School.
Performance time to be determined.
Good Afternoon:
We hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
During the School Committee meeting Monday night, our new attendance policy at FHS will be voted on. I will send out a follow-up communication on Tuesday with approved updates to our attendance policy.
There will be no school on Friday, November 10, 2023, in observance of Veteran's Day. We would like to thank all Veterans for their service.
On Thursday and Friday of this week, we will have the ELA MCAS make-up exam. All students taking this exam were called to the auditorium for an information session on Friday.
AUP Form (Electronic Agreement):
Please sign and return the AUP form. Your student received an AUP form on Friday, if they had not yet returned the signed form to the school. The AUP form was originally sent home at the start of the school year. The AUP form has the Fitchburg Public Schools electronic agreement. Students who do not return the AUP form may lose access to their computer. The deadline to return the AUP form is November 16, 2023. Please send me an email if you have any questions or need an extra copy of the form (bragaj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us). Thank you to all families and students who returned the signed AUP form to the school.
Academic Quarter One:
Thursday November 9, 2023 is the last day of quarter one. Report cards for quarter one will be distributed on November 22, 2023.
Hazel Health:
Hazel Health has partnered with Fitchburg Public School District to provide access to quality health care services for all students, at no cost to families, this school year. A school health representative at FHS can initiate a video visit with a Hazel health care provider while your child is at-school to provide either physical or mental health services. Therapy sessions with Hazel Health are a safe space and are private and confidential. Please see the links below and the attachments for more information around Hazel Health.
Thanksgiving Game T-Shirt Fundraiser:
This year, in honor of this once in a lifetime opportunity to have our rivalry game at Fenway Park, the senior class at Fitchburg High School worked with the senior class at Leominster High School to make shirts for both schools. Each school's shirts have the same design but with their respective school colors. Purchase a shirt using the attached form to support the FHS senior class and represent your school at Fenway! Shirts are $15 for short sleeves or $20 for long sleeves. You can pay in cash (give to Mr. Walker, room 223) or Cashapp @FHSclassof2024. Please see the link below with the shirt designs and further information on ordering a shirt.
Reminder (Cell-Phones):
Students are expected to place their cell phone in their backpack or cell phone pocket during class time.
The teacher will determine the specific procedure for the class. Students have access to their cell phones during transitions to the next classes and during breakfast and lunch.
Backpacks remain in the classroom during class time, unless needed for a health item, 504 Plan, IEP. Backpacks travel with students during transitions to the next classes.
Reminders (Absent and Tardy Notes):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Alicia Membrino (Grades 11 & 12): membrinoa@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Hector Surillo (Grades 9 & 10): surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Reminders (Dismissal):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Julie Membrino (Front Office Secretary): membrinoj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday November 6 - Day 1
A period is the first class of the day
School Committee at 6:00pm, streamed on FATV
Tuesday, November 7 - Day 2
B period is the first class of the day
Canned Food Drive Begins
Gear Up UMass Dartmouth Field Trip
Wednesday, November 8 - Day 3
C period is the first class of the day
ELA MCAS make-ups
Thursday, November 9 - Day 4
D Period is the first class of the day
Academic Quarter 1 comes to an end
ELA MCAS make-ups
Senior Privilege Breakfast
Varsity Football @ Assabet Valley, 6:00pm
Friday, November 10 - No School, Veteran's Day
Have a great week and thank you,
Dr. Braga
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
Our school newspaper is available on our website. See the side tab, The Red and Gray.
Ms. Nydia Leger:
This past week we mourned the death of Ms. Nydia Leger, teacher at Fitchburg High School. On Friday, we took a moment of silence for Ms. Nydia Leger. Support was available for students throughout the week. We have clinicians at the school for any student who may need support this week.
Below is the information around Ms. Nydia Leger's services. This information is also available on our website.
Ms. Nydia Leger was an exceptional person and a very dedicated teacher. She is loved and missed by our school community.
Daily Attendance Rate for the month of October:
As we come to the end of October, I would like to congratulate the community on the great work with daily attendance. With only two days left in the month of October, our daily attendance rate is 91%. Let's continue to keep up the amazing work! Thank you families for your support with the daily attendance at Fitchburg High School.
This Tuesday is Halloween. Students are allowed to wear costumes. Costumes cannot include masks and have to comply with the dress code guidelines in the student handbook.
Reminder (Cell-Phones):
Students are expected to place their cell phone in their backpack or cell phone pocket during class time.
The teacher will determine the specific procedure for the class. Students have access to their cell phones during transitions to the next classes and during breakfast and lunch.
Backpacks remain in the classroom during class time, unless needed for a health item, 504 Plan, IEP. Backpacks travel with students during transitions to the next classes.
Reminders (Absent and Tardy Notes):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Alicia Membrino (Grades 11 & 12): membrinoa@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Hector Surillo (Grades 9 & 10): surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Reminders (Dismissal):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Julie Membrino (Front Office Secretary): membrinoj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, October 30 - Day 2
· B Period is the first class of the day
· Unified Basketball vs. Leominster @ FHS
Tuesday, October 31 - Day 3, Halloween
· C Period is the first class of the day
Wednesday, November 1 - Day 4
· D Period is the first class of the day
· GearUp: Boston University Field Trip
Thursday, November 2 - Day 5
· E Period is the first class of the day
· Unified Basketball vs. Leominster @ Leominster
· Cross Country vs. Advanced Math & Science and 3 others @ Doyle Conservation
Friday, November 3 - Day 6
· Advisory
· F Period is the first class of the day
· Genocide Studies Field Trip
· Gear Up: UMASS Lowell Field Trip
· Varsity Football vs. TBA @ Crocker Field
Saturday, November 4
· SATs

On 10/26, there was an incident in our cafeteria during breakfast.
Administration were on site to respond to the incident.
All students and staff were safe and continued the school day.
Dear Fitchburg High School Families:
I am writing to inform you about the tragic passing of Fitchburg High School teacher, Nydia Leger. Ms. Leger taught English Language Arts for students in Grades 9 and 10.
The sudden death of Ms. Leger is a tragedy that is shocking and painful for her family, friends, as well as the Fitchburg High School community. Our thoughts are with Ms. Leger’s friends and family during this time of grief, and we wish to provide them with the support, space, and privacy they need in order to support their healing.
Beginning today, we are providing increased counseling support on-site at FHS for students and staff. We will also be holding meetings with students in Ms. Leger’s classes, and counselors and administrative staff will be present at these meetings. These meetings will focus on providing basic information about the passing of Ms. Leger, as well as to provide an opportunity for students and staff to ask questions and process their feelings about the death of Ms. Leger. Students will also be made aware of how to access counselors during the school day.
The grief process in response to a tragic loss can be unpredictable and very different between each person. If you want more information about the impact of traumatic grief on on children, you can click here for a resource "Information for Caregivers about Childhood Traumatic Grief"
If your student would benefit from additional counseling support outside of school, you can contact your student’s counselor to be referred to community-based counseling services.
We recognize that the sudden passing of Ms. Leger will impact our school community for a long time. We are committed to come together as a Fitchburg High School community to support one another during this difficult time.
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.
Dr. Braga
Fitchburg High School branch of Leominster Credit Union Ribbon Cutting
We are so very excited to have Leominster Credit Union as a partner. This opportunity provides our students with additional access to financial literacy and opportunities to receive career training in business, right here at Fitchburg High School.
Thank you to the Leominster Credit Union for their partnership with Fitchburg High School.
Dr. Braga
Good Afternoon FHS Families:
We hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
Please continue to stay up to date with FHS through the daily announcements section on our website.
We will be adding a side tab that will have our School Newspaper.
Progress Reports:
Progress reports went home with students on Friday. Please email me if you did not receive your student's progress report (bragaj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us).
Electronic Agreement Forms:
On Friday, Electronic Agreement Forms went home with students who have not yet returned the form back to the school. The form needs to be signed by a parent or guardian, and then returned to the school.
The form was also sent home at the start of the school year. Thank you to all families and students who have returned the form. Please email me if you have any questions about the form (bragaj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us).
Spirit Week:
We had a great Pep Rally on Friday, followed up by a great performance by our Football team on Friday.
Additionally, we had our Homecoming Dance yesterday at FHS.
Thank you to all students, staff, families, and community members that made our Spirit Week an excellent experience for everyone.
Review of Attendance Policy:
This Wednesday I will present adjustments to the attendance policy to the policy sub-committee of the school committee. This includes presenting adjustments to our current No Credit policy. I will keep the community informed of any changes to the attendance policy at FHS.
Fenway Park:
Please review our school website for information on how to order tickets for our upcoming Thanksgiving Game at Fenway Park. The website also has information around transportation to Fenway Park for the event.
Reminder (Cell-Phones):
Students are expected to place their cell phone in their backpack or cell phone pocket during class time.
The teacher will determine the specific procedure for the class. Students have access to their cell phones during transitions to the next classes and during breakfast and lunch.
Backpacks remain in the classroom during class time, unless needed for a health item, 504 Plan, IEP. Backpacks travel with students during transitions to the next classes.
Reminders (Absent and Tardy Notes):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Alicia Membrino (Grades 11 & 12): membrinoa@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Hector Surillo (Grades 9 & 10): surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Reminders (Dismissal):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Julie Membrino (Front Office Secretary): membrinoj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday, October 23rd - Day 3
C Period is the first class of the day
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. Leicester @ Leicester
Girls Varsity Soccer vs. Shepherd Hill @ Shepherd Hill
Tuesday, October 24th - Day 4
D Period is the first class of the day
Senior Photos
Varsity, JV-1 Volleyball vs. Bay Path @ Bay Path
Wednesday, October 25th - Day 5
E Period is the first class of the day
Varsity Field Hockey vs. Tyngsborough @ Game On
Boys Varsity, JV Soccer vs. Uxbridge @ Game On
Varsity, JV-1 Volleyball vs. Burncoat @ FHS
Dr. Braga presents adjustments to the attendance policy to the policy sub-committee of the school committee
Thursday, October 26th - Day 6
F Period is the first class of the day
Unified Basketball vs. Nashoba @ Nashoba
Friday, October 27th - Day 1
A Period is the first class of the day
United Way Youth Venture Kickoff
Varsity Football vs. Doherty @ Crocker Field
Saturday, October 28th
JV Football vs. Doherty @ Foley Stadium
Varsity Cross Country vs. 29 teams @ Pierce's Tree Farm
Thank you and have a great week,
Dr. Braga
Thank you to Gear Up for hosting the Fitchburg Police Officer Career Chat for our students on Thursday October 19, 2023.
Special Thank You to Officers Polanco-Diaz & Burke for coming to FHS to make the presentation and speak to our students.
FSU Future Educator Academy Info Session:
Fitchburg High School and Fitchburg State University want YOU to be the next generation of educators in our schools! That is why we have partnered with Fitchburg State to offer the Future Educator Academy, offering training and resources to help you to become the educators of tomorrow.
If you are interested in learning more about the Future Educator Academy and the events that we will be offering this school year, please join us for our information session on Friday, Oct. 20th! We will meet in the auditorium from 9:45-10:28 (the period right after advisory). If you would like to attend the information session, please fill out THIS FORM.
Please feel free to email me with any questions at brassarde@fitchburg.k12.ma.us.
Look forward to seeing you there!
Mrs. Brassard
LINK to Registration Form: https://forms.gle/JnBTJVxkVM5dpjqq9
Yesterday 40 of our Manufacturing and Tech Ed students attended the MassMakes Innovation Challenge, hosted at the Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield! Students participated in STEM challenge stations, explored technology like VR and robotics, and took part in a Q&A session with local innovators. We were in the good company of Lt. Governor. Kim Driscoll, Secretary of Education Patrick Tutwiler, and other key legislators in Massachusetts. Fitchburg High School was also lucky enough to have our name pulled out of the hat during the closing remarks for a brand new 3D Printer courtesy of Westfield State University!! Overall it was a great day and our students made Fitchburg High school proud!
Step Up to Excellence mentors and supports motivated students from low-income, workingfamilies in order to pursue challenging individual, academic, and communal goals in order to grow in confidence, character, and leadership toward excellence.
To Apply:
See Mrs. Fontaine in room 326 for an application.
Must fill out basic information, including 3 short essays, provide transcripts (obtained through guidance), get 3 teacher recommendations, and provide tax documentation to prove financial qualification.
Return application to Mrs. Fontaine - the deadline has been extended until October 20th!
Fitchburg High School Celebrates 5th Annual Hispanic Heritage Assembly

School Committee Meeting is tonight and will be live streamed on FATV.
Tickets for our Homecoming Dance are now on sale. In order to attend, you must be in good standing (95% attendance rate, have no conduct referrals, and be passing all classes). Seniors only may bring a guest. Fill out the attached form if you are interested in bringing a guest and turn it in to Ms. Membrino in 125 by Thursday 10/19/23.

Assistant Principal, Bryan Mazzaferro, presented 12th Grade Student, Joshua Gauvin, with a certificate in recognition of earning Eagle Scout rank at an event this past Saturday.
Local English Language Learner H.S. Students on Campus
Fitchburg State University's Admissions and Early College and Dual Enrollment hosted English Language Learners (ELL) students from Fitchburg High School and Leominster High School for a morning information session. Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Patricia Marshall opened this, the second year the university has held this event, where she invited ELL students to a current student Q & A panel, campus tour, and admissions info session - all with live translation. Lunch in the dining commons followed, in order help the students envision themselves as a future college student, and let them know they are valued at Fitchburg State and their diverse linguistic skills and backgrounds are an asset that are community appreciates.
Read more here.
Good Afternoon FHS Families:
We hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
This past Friday we had our first School Council meeting. Thank you to everyone that attended the meeting. All information around the School Council is available on our website. The School Council approved our School Improvement Plan for school year 2023-2024. The administration team will present the School Improvement Plan tomorrow evening to the School Committee.
MCAS score reports from last school year were mailed out to homes on Friday. Please send me an email (bragaj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us), if you do not receive your student's score report by the end of this week.
This week is Spirit Week at Fitchburg High School. Please see the important dates below that list the theme of each day.
The Homecoming Dance will be held in the Field House at Fitchburg High School on Saturday October 21, 2023 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. More information around the Homecoming Dance will be posted in the daily announcements section of our website tomorrow.
This Friday, students will be provided with their Progress Report for Quarter 1 during the advisory period.
Lastly, Photo Retake Day will be November 20, 2023
Reminder (Cell-Phones):
Students are expected to place their cell phone in their backpack or cell phone pocket during class time.
The teacher will determine the specific procedure for the class. Students have access to their cell phones during transitions to the next classes and during breakfast and lunch.
Backpacks remain in the classroom during class time, unless needed for a health item, 504 Plan, IEP. Backpacks travel with students during transitions to the next classes.
Reminders (Absent and Tardy Notes):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Alicia Membrino (Grades 11 & 12): membrinoa@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Hector Surillo (Grades 9 & 10): surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Reminders (Dismissal):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Julie Membrino (Front Office Secretary): membrinoj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday October 16 - Day 4
D Period is the first class of the day
Pajama Day: Spirit Week
Dr. Julia Garcia Presentation
Varsity Field Hockey vs. Shepherd Hill @ Shepherd Hill
Golf vs. Leominster @ Gardner Golf Course
Varsity, JV-1 Volleyball vs. South High @ South High
School Committee at 6:00pm: Streamed through FATV
Tuesday October 17 - Day 5
E Period is the first class of the day
Rhyme Without Reason Day: Spirit Week
Golf vs. North Middlesex @ Oak Hill Country Club
Boys Varsity, JV Soccer vs. Clinton @ Game On
Girls Varsity, JV Soccer vs. Clinton @ Clinton
Wednesday October 18 - Day 6
F Period is the first class of the day
Barbenheimer Day: Spirit Week
Varsity Field Hockey vs. Groton - Dunstable @ Game On
Girls Varsity Soccer vs. St. Bernard's @ St. Bernard's
Leominster Credit Union Ribbon Cutting @ 3:00pm
Thursday October 19 - Day 1
A Period is the first class of the day
Soccer Mom vs. Barbecue Dad: Spirit Week
Unified Basketball vs. Lunenburg @ FHS
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. Quabbin @ Quabbin
Girls Varsity, JV Soccer vs. Quabbin @ Quabbin
Varsity, JV-1, JV-2 Volleyball vs. North Middlesex @ North Middlesex
Friday October 20 - Day 2
B Period is the first class of the day
Class Color Wars: Spirit Week
Advisory - Progress Reports distributed
Homecoming Pep Rally Last Period
Varsity Football vs. Nashoba @ Crocker Field
Boys Varsity, JV Soccer vs. Assabet @ Game On
Saturday October 21
Homecoming Dance: Fitchburg High School Field House
JV Football vs. Nashoba @ Nashoba
Varsity Field Hockey vs. Tyngsborough @ Tyngsborough
Have a great week and thank you,
Dr. Braga
Thank you for a great Photo Day today.
Photo Retake Day will be on November 20, 2023.

Good Afternoon:
We had an incident on Bus 32 this afternoon. Administration responded. All students and staff are safe.
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
Good Afternoon Families, tomorrow is Day 2 in our schedule.
Thank you for a great SAT Day today.
Dr. Braga
Good Afternoon Families, tomorrow is Day 1 in our schedule.
Students will begin the day in their testing rooms for tomorrow's SAT Day.
Dr. Braga
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend.
We wanted to provide you with a few highlights of the school year so far. During the month of September, student daily attendance on average was above 90%. Additionally, so far for the month of October, student daily attendance has been close to 92%. Thank you for your hard work and partnership with student attendance.
As a reminder there is no school for students tomorrow or Tuesday. Students will return to school on Wednesday October 11, 2023.
SAT Day: Wednesday 10/11/2023:
On Wednesday (10/11), we will have our school-wide SAT Day. Students in Grade 12 will take the SAT exam. Students in Grades 9, 10, and 11 will take the PSAT exam. Students will begin the day in their testing room locations. Testing room locations have been emailed to students and the room locations will also be posted outside of our Guidance Offices. On Friday 10/06/2023, we provided students with an overview of the SAT and PSAT exams during the advisory period.
School Photos: Friday 10/13/2023:
School Photos will take place on Friday 10/13/2023. Information on ordering photos is available on our website.
Quarter One Progress Reports:
Grades for progress reports closed this past Friday 10/06/2023. Progress reports will be provided to students on Friday 10/20/2023 during the advisory period.
Reminder (Cell-Phones):
Students are expected to place their cell phone in their backpack or cell phone pocket during class time.
The teacher will determine the specific procedure for the class. Students have access to their cell phones during transitions to the next classes and during breakfast and lunch.
Backpacks remain in the classroom during class time, unless needed for a health item, 504 Plan, IEP. Backpacks travel with students during transitions to the next classes.
Reminders (Absent and Tardy Notes):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Alicia Membrino (Grades 11 & 12): membrinoa@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Hector Surillo (Grades 9 & 10): surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Reminders (Dismissal):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Julie Membrino (Front Office Secretary): membrinoj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Deborah Champagne (Front Office Secretary): champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Important Dates for the Week:
Tuesday 10/10/23:
Professional Development Day for Staff-No School for students
Cross Country vs Leominster @ Pierce's Tree Farm
Varsity Field Hockey vs Littleton@ Game On
Varsity Golf vs. St. Bernard's and Oakmont @ Oak Hill Country Club
Boys + Girls Varsity Soccer vs. Narragansett @ Game On
Varsity, JV-1, JV-2 Volleyball vs Ayer-Shirley @ FHS
Wednesday 10/11/23:
Day 1: Students go to their testing room at the start of the day
Students begin the day in their testing room location
Homecoming ticket sales begin
Thursday 10/12/23:
Day 2: B Period is the first class of the day
Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration - last period
Best Buddies Homecoming 6-8
MMS + LMS DC Trip and FHS Info Night 5-7
Unified Basketball vs Leominster @ FHS
Varsity Field Hockey vs Lunenburg @ Lunenburg
Boys Varsity, JV Soccer vs Ayer-Shirley @ Game On
Girls Varsity, JV Soccer vs Ayer-Shirley @ Ayer-Shirley
Friday 10/13/23:
Day 3: C Period is the first class of the day
School Photos: information to order photos is on our website
Schedule for School Photos will be sent to teachers by Wednesday October 11th.
Varsity Field Hockey vs. Narragansett @ Game On
Girls JV Soccer vs. Worcester Tech @ Worcester Tech
Varsity Volleyball vs. Bethany Christian Academy @ FHS
Saturday 10/14/23:
Varsity Football vs. Westborough at Westborough
Girls Varsity Soccer vs. Lunenburg @ Game On
Due October 10, 2023 - 5:00 p.m.
Mass Mentoring Youth Council that
US Senate Youth Program Due October 13
The AL MA Student Trooper Program

This morning, we entered into a medical hold.
All students and staff members are safe. Thank you.
FHS Administration
Did you know that Interim Superintendent Jon Thompson has open office hours? Did you know FPS recently launched a Visitor Management System in our schools?
Did you know a Fitchburg High grad is the Director of Earth Science at NASA?
See what our students are achieving in the classroom and what the new Crocker Elementary School project looks like.
Also, Red Raider football fans get ready to cheer on the Red & Gray against rival Leominster at historic Fenway Park in Boston for a Thanksgiving Eve showdown.
This and so much more in our October edition of the Fitchburg Public Schools Newsletter.
¿Sabía usted que el Superintendente Interino Jon Thompson tiene horas de oficina abiertas? ¿Sabías que FPS lanzó recientemente un Sistema de Gestión de Visitantes en nuestras escuelas?
¿Sabía usted que un graduado de Fitchburg High es el Director de Ciencias de la Tierra en la NASA?
Vea lo que nuestros estudiantes están logrando en el aula y lo que el nuevo proyecto de Crocker Elementary School parece.
Además, los aficionados al fútbol de los Red Raiders se preparan para animar a los Red & Gray contra su rival Leominster en el histórico Fenway Park de Boston para un enfrentamiento en la víspera de Acción de Gracias.
Esto y mucho más en nuestra edición de octubre del Boletín de las Escuelas Públicas de Fitchburg.
Dear Families:
The Fitchburg Public School District and the City of Fitchburg are hosting the 1st Latino & Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration in the city for ALL our students and families on October 14, 2023, from 2:00 to 5:00 pm located at Lowe Park (174 Elm St.)
This event is to Celebrate the Latino/Hispanic culture in our community and create opportunities for our families to come together and have fun. For this event, we plan to bring Live music (merengue, salsa, and bachata), a DJ, free books, food trucks, great raffles, free snacks, and resources.
Bands participating:
If you are planning to attend this event please fill out this form.
We are encouraging families and collaborators to dress in traditional wear that represents your heritage!
If you have questions please email Fernandezl@fitchburg.k12.ma.us or call Luisa Fernandez at 978-956-3140.
Estimadas Familias:
El Distrito de Escuelas Públicas de Fitchburg y la Ciudad de Fitchburg estarán celebrando el 14 de Octubre de 2023, el 1er Gran Evento del Mes de la Herencia Latina e Hispana en la ciudad para TODOS nuestros estudiantes y familias de 2:00 a 5:00 pm ubicado en Lowe Park (174 Elm St.)
Este evento es para Celebrar la cultura Latina/Hispana en nuestra comunidad y crear oportunidades para que nuestras familias se reúnan y se diviertan. Para este evento, planeamos traer música en vivo (merengue, salsa y bachata), un DJ, libros gratis, camiones de comida, rifas, snacks gratis y recursos.
Bandas participantes:
Si usted está planeando asistir a este evento por favor llene este formulario.
HAGA CLICK AQUI! - Google Form
¡Estamos animando a las familias y colaboradores a vestirse con ropa tradicional que represente su herencia!
Si tiene alguna pregunta, envíe un correo electrónico a Fernandezl@fitchburg.k12.ma.us o llame a Luisa Fernández al 978-956-3140.
Queridas Famílias:
O Distrito Escolar Público de Fitchburg e a cidade de Fitchburg estão hospedando em 14 de Outubro de 2023, a 1ª Celebração do Mês da Herança Latina / Hispânica da cidade para TODOS os nossos alunos e famílias das 2:00 às 5:00 pm localizado no Lowe Park (174 Elm St.)
Este evento tem como objetivo celebrar a cultura latina/hispânica na nossa comunidade e criar oportunidades para as nossas famílias se juntarem e se divertirem. Para este evento, planeamos trazer música ao vivo (merengue, salsa e bachata), um DJ, livros gratuitos, food trucks, rifas, snacks gratuitos e recursos.
Bandas participantes:
Se está a planear participar neste evento, por favor preencha este formulário.
CLIQUE AQUI! - Formulário Google
Incentivamos as famílias e os apoiantes a vestirem-se com roupas tradicionais que representem a sua herança!
Se você tiver alguma dúvida, envie um e-mail para Fernandezl@fitchburg.k12.ma.us ou ligue para Luisa Fernández no telefone 978-956-3140.
Good Afternoon:
A school council is a representative, school building-based committee composed of the principal, parents, teachers, students, and community members required to be established by each school pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 71, Section 59C.
The school council supports in reviewing the school improvement plan, school budgets, as well as the policies at the school-level.
Please complete the form below if you are interested in joining the School Council for Fitchburg High School. If there is a lot of interest in joining the council, we will conduct a vote for each specific category of membership: Parents (Caretakers), Teachers (Educators), Students, and Community Members. All voting information will be communicated to the school-community.
FHS School Council Interest Form
For more information around school councils, please see the link below:
Thank you,
Dr. Braga
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
We hope everyone is having a nice weekend. On behalf of FHS, we would like to thank you for a great opening month of school.
We are looking forward to a great month in October.
As a reminder there is no school for students on October 9, 2023 and October 10, 2023. Please click here to see the calendars.
October 11, 2023 is our SAT school day. During this day, all grades will take a different version of the SAT exam based on their grade-level. There will be more information to come around the SAT school day.
Biology MCAS Support Program:
Please see the information below around our Biology MCAS Support Program. We would like to receive your input around the schedule of the program.
On behalf of the Fitchburg High School, we would like to invite your student to take part in a highly focused MCAS Biology support program, Biology Support Program. You are being invited because your student has not yet met the competency determination and graduation requirement for the MCAS state science assessment. In order to graduate on time from FHS, your student MUST PASS this test.
We have designed the Biology Support Program to be held once a week for 20 weeks from October through January. Your student will be given instruction in person and will also be required to work on an online platform to support review and learning. The program is free, but students must sign up to be included in the program. Families are asked to strongly encourage your student to take part in this program to ensure that their graduation from FHS is not impacted.
We would like to know what day and time works best for you and your student. Please complete the Google form to register for the program and to let us know what times work best for your family.
Reminder (Cell-Phones):
Students are expected to place their cell phone in their backpack or cell phone pocket during class time.
The teacher will determine the specific procedure for the class. Students have access to their cell phones during transitions to the next classes and during breakfast and lunch.
Backpacks remain in the classroom during class time, unless needed for a health item, 504 Plan, IEP. Backpacks travel with students during transitions to the next classes.
Reminders (Absent and Tardy Notes):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Alicia Membrino (Grades 11 & 12): membrinoa@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Hector Surillo (Grades 9 & 10): surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Reminders (Dismissal):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday 10/2
Day 2: B Period is the first class of the day
JV Football vs. Auburn @ Crocker Field
Field Hockey vs. Hudson @ Hudson
Girls Varsity, JV Soccer vs. Burncoat @ Game On
Tuesday 10/3
Day 3: C Period is the first class of the day
Cross Country vs. Oakmont @ Oakmont
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. West Boylston @ Game On
Boys JV Soccer vs. TBA @ Game On
Girls Varsity Soccer vs. West Boylston @ West Boylston
Varsity, JV-1, JV-2 Volleyball vs. Leominster @ Leominster
Wednesday 10/4
Day 4: D Period is the first class of the day
Senior Photos
Field Hockey vs. Littleton @ Game On
Golf vs. Marlborough @ Marlborough Country Club
Varsity, JV-1, JV-2 Volleyball vs. Doherty @ Fitchburg
Thursday 10/5
Day 5: E Period is the first class of the day
Friday 10/6
Day 6: F Period is the first class of the day
Advisory Day
Varsity Football vs. Marlborough @ Kelleher Field
Field Hockey vs. Monty Tech @ Game On
Boys Varsity, JV Soccer vs. Shepherd Hill @ Game On
Varsity, JV-1, JV-2 Volleyball vs. Marlborough @ Marlborough
Saturday 10/7
SAT Testing
Have a great week and thank you,
Dr. Braga
Good afternoon,
Fitchburg High School, in conjunction with First Student, conducted a routine bus evacuation drill this morning.
Thank you,
FHS Administration
*** The Senior Reception to the faculty, scheduled for Wednesday, September 27th, has been postponed - the new date is TBD. ***
On Monday, the classes of 2024 and 2025 attended the National GEAR UP Week kickoff assembly. GEAR UP Assistant Director Victor Rojas opened the assembly with a proclamation from Mayor Stephen DiNitale, declaring the week of September 25th "National GEAR UP Week." Mr. Rojas then gave a quick overview of the week: scholarship workshops, a college fair field trip, Power Hour after-school support, and GEAR UP Student Leadership Ambassadors recruitment and workshops during lunch periods. Afterward, Mr. Rojas introduced GEAR UP counselor Theo Demosthenes, the motivational speaker. Theo, or Mr. D as he's known to students, spoke about the theme for National GEAR UP week: "Investing in the Future Generation." He covered three ways students can invest in themselves: "Love yourself", "Respect yourself", and "Develop yourself".
“A home run” for Leominster-Fitchburg rivalry
Teams to play annual football game at Fenway Park
By NICK MALLARD | nmallard@sentinelandenterprise.com | Sentinel & Enterprise
PUBLISHED: September 20, 2023 at 4:24 p.m.
There’s a story that plenty of athletes and residents of Fitchburg have heard, though its validity has been up for debate for years now.
It’s long been said that Babe Ruth visited a newly-opened Crocker Field sometime in 1918, marveling at the venue alongside legendary Fitchburg coach Clarence N. Amiott.
Some 105 years later, the Red Raiders will get a chance to take in the sights at one of the ballparks formerly called home by Ruth and the rest of Boston’s all-time greats.
It became official on Tuesday morning that the Fitchburg High football team will host its annual Thanksgiving rivalry game against Leominster High at Fenway Park. With the change of venue also comes a change in time and date; the game will be played on Thanksgiving Eve at 6:30 p.m., rather than the traditional Thursday morning kickoff.
The longstanding rivalry game is one of four contests to be played at the hallowed Boston ballpark during the runup to Thanksgiving. TechBoston and Brighton will open things on Tuesday with a game at 5 p.m., followed by King Philip vs. Franklin at 7:30 p.m. On Wednesday, the action opens with Chelmsford squaring off with Billerica at 4 p.m. before the 143rd meeting between the Blue Devils and Red Raiders closes the festivities, moving east from the originally scheduled game at Crocker.
Fenway Park hosted high school football games in its infancy in 1912 and continued to do so until 1935. High school gridiron action returned in 2015 and has been ongoing since then. It also has played host to college football and various concerts.
Bringing the Twin Cities rivalry to Boston had been discussed twice before, according to Fitchburg athletic director Todd Robbins, but each time things fell through.
“The most important thing we’ve stressed through this entire process is that it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. We’ve been saying that over and over,” Robbins said Wednesday. “It’s been floated out there a couple time before, but it would be one school disagreeing or the other
“This year, there’s been massive construction going on around Crocker Field and with the turf still being natural grass, it probably wouldn’t be in the best shape by the time Thanksgiving rolled around. The student-athletes wanted to do it and the administration has supported it every step of the way.”
David Palazzi, Robbins’ counterpart at Leominster High School, said Wednesday that this season felt like the right time to play at Fenway.
“It’s really exciting for the kids and times are changing. I think both cities are open to accepting a move like this for a really special experience,” the Leominster AD said. “I really didn’t put it out there to too many people, but I talked to a few guys I played with and they thought it was a great idea.
“It’s a historic ballpark and will give these kids an experience they’ll carry with them for the rest of their lives. … It’s a home run for both communities.”
The idea to take the 117th edition of the Thanksgiving game to Fenway was waiting for Robbins when he started his first season as AD at Fitchburg in August. And prior to plans being set into motion on his first day on the job, Robbins and Palazzi had discussed the possibility of playing in Boston.
“David and I had made calls to each other even before and I let him know if the chance came around, he’d have a dancing partner,” Robbins said. “My first day on the job, there was an email from the organizers at Fenway who had been emailing (Palazzi) asking who to get in touch with at Fitchburg High. Two days later, we had our first video meeting with the people at Fenway.
“We had been talking a lot already, so it wasn’t too much of a process. We’re working with a great team at Fenway and they’ve made this pretty painless.”
The organizers at Fenway Park are a team that work on non-baseball events like college football games and concerts, Robbins said.
“It should be an exciting night,” Palazzi said. “It’s about the kids and the seniors and the experience. Overwhelmingly, they all wanted to play (at Fenway).”
Tickets for the game will be available through the Red Sox website. Free tickets will be made available to students, with details to come from schools, according to Robbins.
And moving to one of the nation’s oldest and most revered ballparks should provide a remarkable for one of the state’s oldest football rivalries on top of being a unique opportunity.
“We want it to be accessible for everyone,” Robbins said. “This is more than a football game; it’s a community event. It’s an event to celebrate the Twin Cities.”
Good Afternoon Fitchburg High School Families:
Thank you for a great week of school.
Thank you for making our first Open House a great event.
Please check the daily announcements section on our website for some exciting accomplishments for Fitchburg High School students and some exciting news about a guest speaker we had this past week.
We had our first advisory this past Friday. Students watched a brief video about an after school program around leadership being offered through the United Way Youth Venture. Additionally, students identified their morning and afternoon buses. This will help us identify any overcrowded buses and work with the transportation company to make adjustments.
Students did an excellent job with our first lock down drill this past week.
Communication for all drills and emergency protocols will be communicated directly to all families, as well as posted on the daily announcements section of our website.
Please email our front office secretaries with updated contact information, if you are not receiving our communications.
Deborah Champagne: champagned@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Julie Membrino: membrinoj@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Reminder (Cell-Phones):
Students are expected to place their cell phone in their backpack or cell phone pocket during class time.
The teacher will determine the specific procedure for the class. Students have access to their cell phones during transitions to the next classes and during breakfast and lunch.
Backpacks remain in the classroom during class time, unless needed for a health item, 504 Plan, IEP. Backpacks travel with students during transitions to the next classes.
Reminders (Absent and Tardy Notes):
Notes are required to excuse absences or tardies.
In case of an absence or excused tardy, please have your student bring their note to their Assistant Principal's office.
You may also email the note or reason for the absence to your student's Assistant Principal's secretary:
Alicia Membrino (Grades 11 & 12): membrinoa@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Hector Surillo (Grades 9 & 10): surilloh@fitchburg.k12.ma.us
Reminders (Dismissal):
Please call or email the front office prior to dismissing your student from school.
Important Dates for the Week:
Monday 9/25
Day 3: C Period is the First Class of the Day
Gear Up Assembly
JV Football vs. Shepherd Hill @ Crocker Field
Varsity Field Hockey vs. Groton-Dunstable @ Groton-Dunstable
Golf vs. Leominster @ Gardner Golf Course
Varsity, JV-1, JV-2 Volleyball vs. North Middlesex @ Fitchburg
Tuesday 9/26
Day 4: D Period is the First Class of the Day
Cross Country vs. Groton-Dunstable @ Groton-Dunstable
Golf vs. St. Bernard's, Groton-Dunstable, and Leominster @ Oak Hill Country Club
Boys Varsity, JV Soccer vs. Gardner @ Gardner
Girls Varsity, JV Soccer vs. Gardner @ Game On
Varsity Volleyball vs. Bethany Christian Academy @ Bethany Christian Academy
Wednesday 9/27
Day 5: E Period is the First Class of the Day
NEACAC College Fair (Seniors Only)
Senior Reception to the Faculty 2:30-5
Varsity Field Hockey vs. Lunenburg @ Game On
Thursday 9/28