About Us
Fitchburg High School's faculty is committed to helping students find success. Our school offers a wide variety of courses in a seven-period rotating schedule offering over sixteen Advanced Placement classes, more than ten courses that matriculate for full credit at Mount Wachusett Community College, and several Dual Enrollment courses offered to our students through Fitchburg State University. In addition, Fitchburg High School students have been recently accepted to various colleges and universities ranging from Harvard University to MWCC amongst many, many others. Furthermore, our students have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of extra-curricular offerings from competitive, high level athletics to service based clubs to student governance. Ultimately, Fitchburg High School is a fully comprehensive high school that is the flagship of our fine city. When a student chooses to come to Fitchburg High School to become a Red Raider they have the opportunity to become a Scholar, a Champion, and a Citizen. Go Red Raiders!
Fitchburg High School
140 ArnHow Farm Road
Fitchburg, MA 01420
Phone 978-345-3240
Fax 978-348-2303
7:30 AM - 2:05 PM / Early Release 11:30 AM
FSU 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM / Early Release 11:40 AM